Final Goodbyes

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The time has come, the moment is here
To say a final goodbye, my dear
The memories we shared, the laughter and tears
Will forever be cherished, throughout the years

We've walked through life, hand in hand
But now it's time to let go, and understand
That our paths must diverge, our journeys apart
But you'll always hold a special place in my heart

I'll miss your smile, your gentle touch
The way you always made me laugh so much
But I'll hold on to the moments we've shared
And know that our love will never be impaired

As I look into your eyes one last time
I see the love, the joy, the pain and the shine
Our story may be ending, but our love will remain
Etched in our hearts, it will forever remain

So I'll say my final goodbye with a heavy heart
But I know we'll never truly be apart
For the memories, the love, the bond we've formed
Will forever be a part of us, even when we're gone

I'll hold on to the lessons you've taught me
And the strength you've given me, so selflessly
I'll carry you with me, in every step I take
And in my heart, our love will never break

So as I bid farewell, I'll hold back the tears
And cherish the time we've had, throughout the years
For saying goodbye is not the end
But a new beginning, a chance to start again.

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