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Light of the setting sun softly glowed through the tinted windows of the golden hall, warmly illuminating the faces of many great empires and representatives, their golden accessories glinting.
There, at the front, stood three countryhumans, at either side their flag. On the right, a black and yellow flag, on the other, a red white and green one
 There was still slight chatter all around, but the moment the black winged representative took a step forward, everything fell silent, the only sound being the thick red fur coat being dragged on the floor. He looked over to the other side where he gestured the hungarian to step forward as well. 
The two stood firmly at the front, their hands interlocked with another. Taking a deep breath, the austrian finally spoke, breaking the silence that had seemingly lasted forever.

"I hereby proclaim the new dual monarchy of the Empire of Austria and the Kingdom of Hungary, the Austro-Hungarian Empire."


~25th of May, 1871

That was around 4 years ago, but the dual monarchy could still remember it like yesterday; the feeling of finally being recognised as a representative of status. They never truly cared for power like the major powers, but back when the Austrian Empire was in power, everything had been kept a secret from A-H, as if they were a helpless child.
They hated the feeling of being weak.
They hated the overprotected lifestyle they had.
 But now that they are the representative, it had opened up a whole new perspective of their empire. They of course knew about the Hungarians and their troubles with the empire, which is now mostly solved due to their own existence, but it never struck them just about how many the country had. The moment they had discovered that, the half hungarian immediately got to work mediating between the different ethnicities, which worked and had made the empire more stable now than before. It took 4 long tiring years filled with arguing, listening, arguing, sleepless nights, arguing,  writing, arguing and the occasional blood to no end. Troubles still exist, but the the hard work had payed off. A little smile of satisfaction formed on their face remembering it. 

A sudden knock on the door pulled A-H back out of their of thoughts.
The half austrian turned around and looked at the open door, where a red and white flagged representative with a cross as their coat of arms in the middle stood.
"What is it, Wien?"
The austrian capital walked over next to A-H and took out a letter, handing it over to them. "A letter for you from the German Empire."
A-H lifted their eyebrows, but didn't say anything more, and carefully took the letter.


To the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary

The German Empire requests a diplomatic meeting with the Austro-Hungarian Empire which will also be accompanied by the Russian Empire. It will be a meeting discussing a potential triple alliance consisting of the three empires of Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary. It will be held on the 1st of June 1875 in Berlin. My capital will take care of you upon your arrival

-Signed: Empire of Germany


Austria-Hungary was mildly surprised that the German Empire sent them an alliance request, considering the history of their respective nations. Well, it wasn't the best and yes, lately they have been slightly less hostile towards each other ever since the recent creation of their two empires. It was really basically just their fathers who caused this. Russia wasn't much of a problem, since they did help suppress that one hungarian revolution back in the Austrian Empire.. but the two did have several clashes in the Balkans.. maybe this suggested alliance won't be that bad of an idea after all.. After all, the three of them together would make them unstoppable, being the biggest empires in this region of Europe. Nobody to question them. 
"Send a letter back stating that I will attend."

Vienna dipped her head in response and left the room, leaving the monarchy to their own thoughts again. Something else nagged the Monarchy. 
'German empire, a familiar name I can't put a face to.'
Austria-Hungary shook their head.
'No, I know this representative from somewhere. But where-? A party? No, I haven't been to many.'
The country usually wasn't allowed to go anywhere that wasn't their own ground, due to the overprotectiveness of the Austrian Empire and the Hungarian Kingdom, and the sudden thought of that put a slight scowl on the fusions face.
'So from where do I know this representative?'
Austria-Hungary sighed and groaned in frustration. 

They suddenly perked up as they remembered something.

'During their coronation, he was sat somewhere at the front!'
A slight blush formed on the monarchy's face as the faint memory of the fleeting but intense moment that their eyes interlocked resurfaced. His gaze was fierce yet somehow warm, his eyes an enchanting glowing ruby red. A-H quickly shook their head to get the image out of their head, embarrassed. A representative shouldn't think like that...

They stood up from their chair and went outside, initially wanting to just check on everyone, when a smaller austrian ran over to A-H and an offended hungarian right behind on her tail. The Austro-Hungarian half chuckled half sighed, "What did you two do now?"
"She said I was annoying!" Hungary pointed at Austria.
"That's because you keep saying no to everything I am saying!" Austria argued back.
"Well, because your ideas suck!"
"At least I can come up with ideas!"
"And how is that helpful if they do nothing?"
"You do n-"
Austria-Hungary stepped in between the squabbling siblings.
"Enough is enough! How about you two just let off your excess energy on something else other than your other sibling?"
The two stared at each other disdainfully and walked in opposite directions, but not before they hissed a few half hearted threats at each other. They both knew better than to disobey and upset their parent, and the smaller austrian and hungarian had learnt that the hard way. 
The older Austro-Hungarian scoffed lightly in slight amusement. Now that the biggest troublemakers duo in the dual monarchy was dealt with, they were pretty confident that there wouldn't be many other troubles to be dealt with, except maybe a few petty squabbles here and there.


~1026 words

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