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Two shadowed figures soundlessly glided through the deserted and dim hallways, alert for certain doors, sounds and motions. The latter shadow was considerable smaller, being the stature of a small child. They were searching for something. Rather, someone. If they were to manage this, it would hypothetically be the fastest way to victory.

The sound of a female voice frantically talking caught the attention of the bigger shadowed figure. For them, it was a familiar voice. One that right now would also lead to their goal. 

Slowly, they inched closer to a room where light fell out of the bottom slit of the door. Judging by the voices inside, there were at least two in there. Just two, guarding something so precious.. maybe they are strong, but still, they were nothing.

Nothing, compared to two the looming threats sitting outside the golden framed door. 

The two shadowy outlines looked at each other, nodding to make sure they had the same thing in mind.

Rushing forward, they broke open the locked door.

"Bu-" one of them wanted to say, but instantly got pushed to the side, missing the knife thrown at them by a hair. 

"Nincs idő" the other one hissed. (No time)

They tried taking out their own gun and shooting.

Guns were firing in the two's direction more than the other way around, there was barely any time for them to even dodge the attacks, forget about even trying to fight back. They now just had to hold the two attackers until back- up comes. They have to protect with their lives. Don't let the invaders come close. 

Maybe they could try to aim for the smaller one of the shadows, since they do much less than their bigger counterpart-  

A bullet pierced through the left arm of the first one, making them shriek.

"Bécs-!" (Vienna-!)

No ordinary state nor city could beat a capital with such ease. Just who were they-? How did they know to come here-? There's no way an actual countryhuman decided to take the risk.. right-? They thought no one would notice.. 

A knife stabbed the second one in the gut, spilling blood everywhere. They stumbled backwards, nausea thumping in their head. That knife was laced-


"Sz-szar.." (Sh-shit..)

There was just no way they could hold out against those countryhumans..


-376 words-

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