My Hymn To The Trinity

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My Good God,

My Glorious and Righteous God.

You are my Refuge,

You are my Peace and Rest.

You alone I adore,

You alone I glorify.

Glory be to the Trinity,

Amen be Your word.

You are my Once and for all Sacrifice,

My Worthy Lamb,

The Good Shepherd.

You came down onto Earth,

And gave up Your life for me.


He wanted me,

But You would not let Him take me.

You stood naked and mocked,

You were bled, starved, and bruised by

People just like me,

People I am no better than.

The pain and gore You must have endured for me,

I am ever so grateful to You,

I am forever in Your debt.

I have nothing to offer you but my praise,

So I give You my worship.

You took my beating and You took my punishment,

You looked at my cross and told me

That I was worth every bit of its heaviness,

Every single sharp splinter.

You carried that painful weight,

That relentless weight,

A weight that I could never have bore.

I was dead weight,

But You carried it,

Even though it was meant for me.

But that was not the end.

You rose and defeated death,

And now You are sat at the right hand

Waiting to return.

My God You are Love,

You are the King of Kings.

You are the Only One Worthy,

You are the Living God,

The Almighty and Just God.

Let all my days be dedicated to serving you.

On difficult days

Let me be reminded of how much I need You,

And on my good ones,

Let me remember

Just how good to me You have been

And how much I still so desperately need You.

Jesus You are my King now and for eternity.

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