Spiritual Warfare

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I do not believe in luck or coincidence,
I believe in the Mighty and Sovereign Lord.
I believe in the Bright Morning Star,
The Light who humbled Himself and
Came to earth to overtake darkness.
I do not believe in the stars of the night sky,
Horoscopes or
The dull constellations that flee at day break.
Nor do I believe that I belong to myself.
No, indeed I do not.
I do not believe in following my own heart
Or my own feelings and mind.
I belong to a Greater Power,
A Power who has Providence over my life,
A God that knows best,
Knows me better than I know myself.
He knit me together,
Created me in His image,
Knew me before I was known.
To Him I surrender.
I do not surrender to jokers of cards,
Or seances that make a mockery of faith.
No, not at all.
I believe in a much Bigger
And Better authority.
There is only one God,
Omnipotent, Fair, and Just.
One Trinity,
Holy, Redeeming, and Eternal.
There is no other,
No other Way, Truth, or Life.

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