Bloodshed & Birthday Kisses

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A silver canopy had been erected at the far end of backyard, underneath which a temporary stage awaited the grand entrance of the party's main attraction.

Tables dotted the yard, covered in delicate silver tablecloths and topped with coral-tinted vases out of which spilled white roses. Free-standing lamps radiated a diffused pink glow that tainted everything for yards around them.

Sanny shook her head at the sight. "I think your sister used a dead salmon for inspiration."

Kaydrien smiled. "This is almost bearable with you around."

He led us to one of several tables positioned on the lawn in front of the stage. Sanny motioned for me to sit next to her. I offered my bodyguard a seat, but Ken declined, preferring to stand off to the side where he could survey the whole yard.

Aside from him, the only other security Mr. Singh hired for the party was the bouncer stationed at the front door. It was a sharp contrast to events hosted by my father, which were always crawling with a half dozen guards, fingers pressed to their ear cuffs as they checked in every ten minutes.

A breeze tickled my nose. I drew it deep into my lungs. The chill soaked into me, relaxing the tension in my back and arms. Dae didn't seem to hate me. He even spoke to me—for five minutes. It was the longest conversation I'd had with someone I was attracted to in my whole life.

Maybe, just maybe, it could become something more.

"So..." Kay turned to me. " did it feel to have Dae's eyes all over you like you were candy?"

As his words sunk in, I blushed. "No, he wasn't..."

Sanny rolled her eyes. "Why do you think he invited us to hang out after the party?" She grinned wickedly. "Which I am really looking forward to."

"I'm not sure we can—"

"I won't let you back out of this," Sanny warned.

"I didn't say I was going to back out," I protested. "I have to call my father and get permission."

Sanny frowned. "You'll just give in and do whatever he says."

That stung. "I'll tell him where we're going and if he doesn't like it, he can lock me in the dungeon when I get home."

Sanny and Kay stared at me in disbelief.

"There goes my dream of raiding the apparently mythical wine cellar," Kay observed drily.

"Who are you and what have you done with the Juliet who hides under her bed?"

It was satisfying to hear surprise in Sanny's voice.

"She's still hiding under the bed," I joked. "I'm her evil twin sister."

"So if you're her evil twin sister..." Kay's attention turned to Ken. "...does that mean you brought an evil twin bodyguard?"

"Looks like the same old brick-in-a-suit to me," Sanny said.

Kay slid out of his seat. "Want anything from the bar?"

"Nobody needs anything," Sanny replied sternly.

He shrugged. "Be back in a minute."

Kay walked leisurely up to the bodyguard, who ignored him until Kay asked a question. The bodyguard shook his head briskly. Kay turned as if to walk away, but suddenly found another question to ask, which got a somewhat less brisk shake of the head. As the man on duty struggled to disengage himself from the conversation, Kay wove the same irresistible web of words around him that he used to get pretty much anything he wanted from anyone.

"You better go rescue Clyde there before our charming friend seduces him," Sanny said.

"His name is Ken."

"Whatever. The point is, Kaydrien's going to get in trouble if the homo-hysterical step-ass sees him flirting with a man."

"He can take care of himself." You're not his babysitter, I resisted adding.

"Fine. I'll deal with it."

As she stood up, a series of bright lights flashed on. I looked up at the stage—and straight into Dae's eyes.

"Hello again," he said in his sultry stage voice. I clenched the tablecloth. He stepped languorously down the steps at the front of the stage, his gaze remaining steadfastly on me. "You're the one I'm looking for, aren't you?"

Me? No, I couldn't be.

He offered his hand to me. I didn't realize I'd accepted until he pulled me to my feet. Then I felt the warm pressure of his fingers against mine, the tingle rippling from the tips of my nails down to the center of my palm at the realization that he was touching me.

When we reached the stage, Dae let go. "By the special request of a mutual friend—" He winked. "—this first song is dedicated to you."

I searched for Sanny in the audience. She shrugged, then stared suspiciously in Kay's direction. He was walking with my bodyguard toward the trees fringing the lawn. He smiled knowingly as he glanced back.

Dae's lush lips parted and he began to sing, soft and low, the lyrics of my favorite song, capturing my attention entirely. I gave in to his warm, enticing voice.

"The Night enfolds you, succumbs to you."

There was something intensely personal about the way he drew out the words.

"The moon, his gaze upon you. The dark, his arms around you."

I trembled as his lips drew so close that I could taste his breath, moist and heavy with spices.

"The stars, a thousand kisses he promised you."

I swayed at the thought that his lips might press against mine. Would my first kiss be center stage at someone else's birthday party, with a man more gorgeous and perfect than anyone I allowed myself to dream of?

As Dae leaned in to answer my question with his hot, open mouth, a scream tore through my perfect moment, ripping from my grasp the only hope I had of tasting the kiss of a lifetime.

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