Where's Michael?

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If you're here, Hi! I'm glad you decided to start reading this. Just a bit of info abt this story, none of this is canon at all, and I know Dsmp ended a bit ago, but I'm still writing :) In this story, there are more than likely going to be multiple elements of angst, along with fighting, and many tears. And, A lot of the chapters, if not all, are not SUPER long like in most stories soooo...

anyway, have fun reading!

-3rd person POV-

          Tubbo had woken up in the middle of the night, and he just knew something was off. He had a gut feeling, something he doesn't get often. "Ugh... Jesus my head hurts..." He reached over to the other side of the bed, expecting to tap the multicolored ender hybrid's shoulder, but instead was met with the blankets and sheets. Ranboo wasn't there...

          "What the hell..? Wait..." Tubbo then looked over to the spot Michael usually slept in, but he also wasn't there. Oh no... "Goddamnit, Boo..." He cursed quietly.

          Tubbo quickly got up out of bed and went downstairs, grabbing his coat and putting it on as he rushed out the door, jumping off the porch and landing in the snow that covered the ground like a blanket. He ran from their house, off to try to find Ranboo.

-Phil POV-

         I was in my kitchen, talking to Tommy and Aimsey, who had come over a bit ago. I had made a joke, and they both were laughing. I chuckled and took a sip of my hot cocoa, before looking out the window. It was a peaceful night, and it was late, so no one should really be up this late. That's why I nearly choked when I saw the familiar sight of glowing purple particles following a tall, lanky figure that half-blended in with the darkness. I immediately knew who it was. "That's... That's Ranboo. What is he doing out there?" I muttered.

          My words, which I thought I had said in my head, caught the attention of Tommy and Aimsey, who both then collectively looked out the window. "Wait, Ranboo's out there? I thought he and Tubbo went to bed a while ago?" Tommy commented, confused. "Yeah, they did because he texted me goodnight about 2 hours ago." Aimsey responded, equally as confused.

          I nodded slowly, still observing the taller as he walked aimlessly in the snow. Seeing him out there worried me, as he definitely wasn't dressed for the weather, as he was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of sleeping shorts. And knowing Endermen were cold-blooded didn't help my worry. But as I looked closer, I noticed a small figure in his arms, one I could recognize easily... "Wait... Is that Michael with him!?"

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