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1 hour before

Michael's POV

          I woke up to the feeling of long, warm arms wrapping around me. It took me a moment to register that it was papa, but once I did I looked up at his multicolored face and smiled, but he didn't smile back. I noticed that his eyes were purple again, like that one time he tried picking me up and leaving the house, but dad stopped him. They got into a big fight about that.

3rd person POV

         The multicolored enderman carefully picked his son up, holding the smaller in his arms as he began to head for the door. Michael was unaware that his parent wasn't conscious during this, and was pretty much sleepwalking with him in his arms. When they got to the door, the ender simply teleported outside, not bothering to open the door as he began walking aimlessly through the snow, keeping the small piglin in his arms warm with his body heat, or what little he produced.

Current Time

          The enderman continued to walk through the snow, Michael now having fallen asleep in his arms as they approached Phil's house. The lights were on in his house, and there was talking and laughing coming from inside. Normally, if he was in a normal state of mind, he would've stopped by and said hi to Phil or whoever else was there. But right now, he just continued to walk through the snow. That's when he heard the door to Phil's house open, and a few seconds later, a warm wing wrapped around him and he was limply dragged inside.

Phil's POV

          I dragged Ranboo into my house, unable to stand watching him walk around out there in the snow with Michael in his arms, knowing that both of them must be freezing. As I dragged him through the door, Aimsey and Tommy's attention immediately snapped to us, Aimsey walking over to take Michael out of Ranboo's arms to take him and lay him down somewhere to rest. But, as she attempted it, she got growled at by Ranboo as he pulled Michael away from her quickly, causing all of us to jump.

          "⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ⏁⍜⎍☊⊑ ⊑⟟⋔!" The enderman snapped, baring fangs at Aimsey, who quickly backed away from him. I let go of him too, now feeling the need to be a lot more cautious around him. I didn't know what is wrong with him right now, or why he's speaking a language we can't understand, or why he was even outside with Michael in the first place, but whatever it is, it is definitely not normal, because this was not  Ranboo.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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