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Becky snapped back to reality at Patty's laughter, joking with Freen in the living room. She watched them talk while her hands warmed around the cup of chocolate that the old woman had prepared for the three of them, and she couldn't help but admire Freen's beauty, so simple and yet so extraordinary as she took a sip of that hot drink, unable to forget the night she met her. If she were a romantic, she could say she fell in love with Freen at that moment, but she preferred to say that she simply got stuck on that girl from the second her heart warmed up having a chocolate with her after leaving the bridge. And now she had her right there, knowing that the next time they were alone, she could kiss her again, and that made her feet lift off the ground.

They had ended up having lunch at Patty's house, and the afternoon had flown by chatting about the Flower Shop and Freen's book. She wasn't sure what would happen next. She guessed the girl would want to go home at some point, and she didn't know what excuse to give her to prevent that.

-Rebecca?- Patty's voice brought her back from her thoughts. -Where are you, dear?-

-Sorry, Patty, tell me, what's up?- Becky replied, somewhat disoriented.

-I was saying that I'm really glad you wanted to get involved in this year's Art Festival. I'm too old for all that fuss, but it's a wonderful party.-

-Yeah, I'm really looking forward to participate.-

-Plus, there's an open mic night. How about you give it a try, huh?- Patty asked. Becky's cheeks slowly turned pink.

-What are you saying... no, no,- she denied.

-So, you sing, huh?- Freen asked, raising an eyebrow.

-Not really...-

-She sings wonderfully,- Patty declared.

-Patty...- Becky sighed.

-I've only heard her hum things, I'm curious,- Freen said amused.

-I'm not going to sing, no matter what you say- Becky concluded.

-Oh, come on, Becky...- Freen tilted her head with a half-smile. Becky lowered her gaze, shaking her head while laughing.

Patty's eyes went from one to the other, observing their interaction carefully. It seemed Becky hadn't wasted time in her absence. She couldn't say she wasn't worried, but as long as Becky kept her word, nothing should happen. Freen was another matter, but she would take care of that later if necessary.

-Okay, enough- Becky coughed - don't we have anything else to talk about?-

-Well, I should probably start thinking about going home- Freen replied.

-Oh- Becky couldn't hide the disappointment in her voice.

-I have to organize some things, and I have to go back to work tomorrow.-

-Do you want to take some leftovers with you?- Patty asked, getting up to go to the kitchen without waiting for Freen's response, leaving the girls alone in the living room.

-I don't want you to think I want to leave, but I really have things to do- Freen smiled lowering her voice.

-I know, I know- why was she suddenly nervous again?

-Believe me- Freen whispered.

An electric silence settled between them. The tension that connected their two bodies separated by half a meter seemed palpable, pulling them together as if by electromagnetism.

-Can I at least drive you home?- Becky whispered back.

-I didn't know how long you were going to wait to offer- Freen said as Patty returned with a container wrapped in a plastic bag.

-Here you go, dear. Leave your clothes here, I'll pick them up when they're dry, and Rebecca can give them to you. I guess you'll see each other again soon.-

-Yeah. I suppose so- Freen said without breaking eye contact with Becky. -Thanks, Patty, it's been a wonderful day. I hope to come back soon.-

-I hope so too- the old woman said, squeezing the girl's forearm with her hands.

They said goodbye to the woman and went out into the landing. If they had caused a short circuit with their tension in the living room, what they were feeling as they waited for the elevator was like charging a thousand lightning bolts to strike the earth.

Freen entered first, and the sliding door hadn't even closed when Becky felt Freen's hands on her waist, turning her and pressing her body against hers. Freen wrapped her arm around Becky's neck, the container safely held in her other hand, and brought her lips closer to the girl's, who awaited her with a half-open smile, anticipating that this kiss wouldn't be innocent.

They kissed slowly, pressing their bodies so close that not even air could pass between them, knowing that this would probably be the last kiss they would share for several hours. It seemed as if they had been doing it all their lives, by the way their lips seemed to fit perfectly, and how their rhythms were always synchronized. When the elevator announced that they had reached the ground floor, they separated a few inches, their noses brushing as they looked into each other's eyes, as if wanting to freeze that moment for as long as possible.

-So, are you working tomorrow at the bookstore?- Becky asked as she drove to Freen's house.

-Yeah, I have to spend practically all day there because Irin is busy with the Festival organization.-

-Oh...- Becky's voice trailed off.

-But we can meet when I finish, if you want,- Becky smiled, glancing at her. -Well, if you don't have other plans.-

-I could pretend to be all mysterious and say I have to check my schedule, but I don't know who I'd be trying to fool, Freen- she braked in front of Freen's building. -I haven't lost sight of you yet, and I'm already counting the minutes until I see you again.-

Freen felt a surge hit her stomach. How was it possible to feel like this in such a short time? Was this what they called love at first sight? But wasn't that just an invention of afternoon movies? She smiled because her brain had done a somersault, and suddenly, she couldn't articulate words. So, since she couldn't speak, she unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned towards Becky.

-Rebecca...- she whispered. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. -You've got insane. So much so that tomorrow, I have to pick up my car from the garage, and I'm about to tell them to keep it and sell it for parts as long as you keep driving me to places.-

Becky laughed and rested her forehead against Freen's. -I have no problem being your chauffeur- she whispered. -Come on, the sooner you leave, the sooner it'll be tomorrow.-

-Will you text me when you get home?-

-And at every red light until I do, if you want.-

-Be careful driving,- she scolded with a half-smile. -I can wait until you get home,- she said, closing the passenger door and walking around the car until she was level with Becky's window. -Thanks for today,- she leaned in towards the girl. -It's been great,- she whispered.

-Yeah,- she reached out her hand through the window to grab the chest of the hoodie she had lent Freen, -it's been great,- she pulled slightly to bring the girl's face closer to hers, and gave her a tender kiss on the lips, -We'll talk later, okay?- Freen nodded, finally stepping away from the car and watching Becky disappear down the street with Patty's container in her hand. She went upstairs still feeling like her heart was about to burst from her chest, and she hadn't even been there for two minutes when the doorbell rang. She jumped, and her brain automatically imagined Becky being unable to leave her. Without thinking, she reached the door and opened it.


FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now