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Freen felt Becky's weight on top of her, breathing in her scent that she had missed so much in those days. Feeling her on top of her, she knew that somehow the universe had made their paths cross. Perhaps in an unfair and cruel way, but how could she deny in that moment that destiny had hit the mark? How could that be wrong in any way? She had never felt that connection with another human being, and she was sure she would never find it with anyone other than that girl.

-I wish I could fall asleep right here- Becky whispered. -But they must be wondering where I am.-

-The flower arrangements,- Freen grumbled.

-The flower arrangements,- Becky confirmed, starting to get up. -I have to take them.-

-You'll keep one for yourself, won't you?- Freen asked, sitting up. Becky smiled at the sight of her disheveled and flushed cheeks from the effort. She was absolutely beautiful.

-As a member of the organization, I can't participate in the contest- Becky smiled, tilting her head. -You should know that.-

-You've been the best of all, and you know it- Freen said.

-This night with you was worth it. For me, there's no prize that equals that- Becky said, her eyes locked with Freen's.

-Right now, I feel like if I loved you even a little bit more, I would explode- Freen said quietly, and Becky smiled so much that she felt like her face didn't have enough space.

-Are you coming with me?- she extended her hand. -Your friends miss you too.- Freen nodded and took Becky's hand to get up.

-It was a great idea to leave this mattress here.-

-Yes, it was- Becky confirmed.

-Where have you been hiding?- Irin approached Becky to help her put the flower arrangements on the table. -We thought you had been kidnapped,- she said, looking up behind Becky, and then she saw Freen.

-We weren't far off then- Nam smiled, looking at her friend who arrived with a bouquet of flowers in each hand. -Good to see you, Freen.-

-Hi girls. Hi Heng,- Freen said, putting her hands behind her back once she released the bouquets. She looked like a child who had just been scolded. Becky approached her and wrapped her arms around her waist, resting her nose on Freen's cheek.

-Don't worry, they love you- she whispered. -Almost as much as I do.-

-Next year, I plan to put you in charge of the festival as punishment for the widespread skiving off this edition- Irin joked. Freen smiled.

-I deserve it.-

The night passed peacefully, and once again, the five of them shared laughter and anecdotes while helping the other participants lay out the sleeping mats and sleeping bags in the magnificent grassy expanse of the central park. Becky couldn't stop looking at Freen, feeling a terrible and wonderful vertigo in her stomach. After all, it seemed that she had finally returned from that distant place she escaped to when the world squeezed her heart. For a moment, she thought she had lost her, and she didn't want to imagine how Freen must have felt when she witnessed the end of the other Becky. Because for some strange reason, she felt that their connection was instantaneous; that on that night when their paths crossed, their destinies merged forever, and any explanation, whether logical or completely paranormal, was valid if it meant that Freen existed.

Little by little, everyone settled into their sleeping bags. Freen and Becky positioned themselves near their friends but far enough away to be able to talk with some intimacy. There were so many people, and the murmuring was cheerful and comforting when exactly at two in the morning, all the lights in that small town went out.

The sky seemed to open up above their heads, and a wave of enthusiasm swept through the crowd. Freen looked up at the sky with a half-smile while Becky watched her. All the stars seemed to live in her eyes, and Becky thought she had never seen anything as beautiful as the universe reflected in Freen's gaze. Then the girl turned her head, and their eyes met directly.

-Tonight is supposed to be about appreciating the beauty of the cosmos, Becky,- Freen said, smiling.

-And that's what I'm doing,- Becky smiled, squinting her eyes slightly. Freen blushed slightly and took her hand to give her a slow kiss on the back.

-You know, I think Irin is going to win the bet in the end,- Freen looked at her, puzzled. -She said we wouldn't be together until this evening,- Becky continued.

-But we've already been together- Freen replied, confused.

-Yes, I know, but today is different- Becky held her breath for a few seconds as Freen looked at her, waiting for her to continue. -Today I want to tell you that if you want, I would love for you to stay with me to discover what this universe holds for us- Becky whispered. Freen smiled, and her eyes sparkled when she replied.

-In this one, and in all that exist.-



A/N: Epilogue coming!


Twitter: @Rolaklak

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