Chapter 37: A sheep that's hide her inner wolf

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[Britney's POV]

We got separated after we eat our lunch because the castle summon all heroes but Big sister Lily is with Sarah because she wanted to show her daughter around the town, Wino and Serenity together with her follower and daughter will go to demon territory to stop the war while Yuki, Nina and I went to the castle to gather some information.

"Thank you for coming here heroes I want you listen to me carefully, now is the time for us to march and defeat our foe. Why the others are not here, they didn't receive my announcement?" the Kings started his speech but stop after confirming that some of us are not here.

Then a skinny guy wearing robe whisper something to the king and nod.

"Everyone listen well, we found some demon who sneakily invaded our country now they are in the center of plaza to be executed later." What? I got curious and wanted to see who that demon is but I got distracted on something that the Hero is wearing... isn't that the same ring we wear? And also the color of the gem that embedded on the ring is the same as Lily... got a bad feeling about this.
So I tried to talk to them.

"Hey what's up Andrew?" I casually talk to them

"Oh, Britney did the witch finally dispel the brainwashing to you?" Brainwashing? Who is this witch? Let's get some more information.

"Nya... I wonder why I got a muzzy feeling so I got brainwash, who did that on me? I don't really remember what happen on me these past few days." I lied to them

"Thank God it work, Britney that Lily is a witch she even brainwashed the princess to use her for her own sake." I almost blow my saliva after hearing that.

"I see thank you for saving me Andrew then what happen to that witch?" Sorry Big sister Lily tee hee.

"Of course the four of us use the enslavement collar that can suppress the magic of user. I don't know where she is now because the minister is the one who arrested her and keep her as custody." Wh-what... the glasses boy and Leonard nod with the hero. Shit that's what happen?

"Haa... what will you do now Andrew?" I ask them in friendly manner but inside me I want to go now and save my Big sister Lily but I need more information.

"I will see the execution of the demon that is with that witch and the one who got caught by slave traders." He smugly announces it but the blood rises on my head... what did he say? Sarah will be executed?

"Is the witch will be executed together with them?" I ask trying to calm down myself before I explode.

"I think not because they just want to use some control stone to her so she won't brainwash anyone anymore." I snap... thank God they didn't hurt Lily but brainwashing her? I can guess what they wanted to do with... Wino said to me that valkyrie is the most important job in this world and Wino tells the king that she got the valkyrie and the last person who didn't got appraise by them is Lily so if they deduced it they will think that Lily is the valkyrie I'm sure they won't kill her as they need her so I will let Wino save Big sister Lily because she only know the every corner of this country. But I will save Sarah first. I release my <true form>

"Wha-what is that?" The people inside the room got startled when a sinister aura burst inside.

"De-demon? Soldier get in your formation there is a demon inside." The soldier readied their weapon also the heroes.

"Wait everyone stop! It's just Britney the saint so don't attack her." Andrew stops the soldier

[Britney what happen?] Yuki?

[Something happen and Lily is in trouble]

[What happen?!]

[Just go find Wino and tell her the pope is enemy and Lily is being captive.]

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