Chapter 45: Lucifer's trial

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“Don’t be so rude, even if my body is a child like I’m still the strongest Demon king.” The little lady or Lucifer scolded me by slapping a paper slaps in my head.

“I cant help it, but what is this place? I’m battling with the Hero earlier?” I panic a little because it so pitch black and I remember that the Hero stabs me in the back.

“Yeah and you almost died… that’s why I save you and the outside right now has been frozen in time.”

“What do you mean by that?” I got confused.

“In earthling terms it called near death experience where your brain processing is faster than time and right now you’re inside your soul.” I got confused more.

“Mommy, please can you talk in words that I can understand.” My slow daughter complains.

“Ah! You, why are you in the castle! What if you got hurt?” I scolded her because of her recklessness.

“Maah, don’t get so mad at her Metra is kind of slow and worrywart and more specially I will give you a winning trump card right now so listen well.”
“Mo-mommy! I-I’m not that slow… muuh…” I can’t argue anymore.

“Okay listen well, Winona! Right now you cannot even win with that disgusting hero and if you come back you will just die so I will give you a chance to redeem yourself, are you ready.” I don’t know what she talking about but if it makes me more powerful then I accept the challenge.

“Alright, I got it for the sake of Lily I will accept all the challenges.” I’ve prepare myself and she gives me a very smug smile.

“Alright! Prepare yourself Winona, I don’t know how many time will pass before you overcome this trials but keep it in mind that this is the best for you so you can protect Asmodeus vessel. Okay first trial is to conquer your uneasiness.” My uneasiness? I wonder what that is… then suddenly a sinister aura is wrapping in one spot and Rosangela is standing their readying her sword.

I’m wondering why Rosa suddenly appears in front of me then I remember the frustration of mine when I lose to her without her fighting seriously…

“That’s right Winona, you haven’t conquer the frustration in your heart… Rosa, Lapiz and Yuki you still doubting yourself, doubting your strength… you aren’t in the best of yourself.” There’s a burst flame in my heart, my frustrations, my anxiety and my diffidence is mixing together and a fear suddenly attack my mind.

What is this… it’s only Rosa in front of me why I’m so scared of her… what is this where is the Winona who boasting power and where is the Winona who pledge to protect Lily.

“Mo-mommy Winona, please be at ease, I believe in you.” My daughter who is still holding my hand encourage me because I realize my hands are shaking.

“Winona you should conquer your doubt about yourself… that’s the thing that prevents you from achieving your goal.” I resolve myself and unsheathed my sword… I know that I’m still shaky but someone believes on me so I won’t betray them.

The Rosa in front of me suddenly rushes towards me and slash her durandull at me like she did in that tournament that instantly defeat me and this time I lost again… damn it.

“Winona, don’t hesitate! Are you that weak?” Shut up!

I stand up and this time I’m the one who attack Rosa but she easily dodges my sword and return a slash on me but I anticipated it and grab her arm with my empty hand and kick her side.

She got thrown away from me so I follow up some wind slash. Then I remember… my old self with a title of Torndado Princess Winona, that’s right I’m Tornado Princess the strongest Princess in this continent why did I forgot about that!
Rosa stands up again and rushes towards me so I intercepts her sword but she bash her sinister shield towards me, when did she summon that?

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