(y'all are probably going to leave before the intro's over)

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this book isn't for normal people because if y'all were normal you wouldn't fucking be here okay?

this book is where I put down things that help ME write in hopes that they'll help other people write, and it will be full to the brim with my opinions and biases, and I will not pretend otherwise. I'm also a nitpicky little shit and will throw fits over the tiniest little things in writing, so idk man if you decide to ask me to critique your writing or anything you have been warned.

so anyway we're gonna start with things I struggle with as a writer, then things I think I'm good at, and then y'all can tell me things you need help with in your writing, and maybe I'll be able to help you.

things I have problems with:

- I'm a slow writer

- procrastination/loss of motivation

- plot

- physical descriptions (probably connected to the fact that I have aphantasia)

things I'm good at:

- titles

- blurbs

- characterization and character development (I think??)

okay I can't currently think of anything else but there's probably more because I always forget something-

so next chapter's gonna actually start this thing off with like, general advice in writing and me being nitpicky about punctuation and grammar and shit

love you see you next chapter bye <3

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