I nitpick your grammar

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when it comes to grammar, I have many, many pet peeves. let's talk about some of them

em dashes. when you are actually writing something and not just texting, DO NOT LET ME SEE the three hyphens standing in for an em dash. PLEASE. also, there are NO SPACES between the em dash and the words on either side-like this.

hyphenation of things. okay to be honest I probably do underhyphenate things, but who the fuck writes "gas-mask"??? literally why would you??? yeah no I like to use hyphens as little as possible and I don't like seeing them either please and thank you.

POV changes???? why are you changing POV within a chapter??? what the fuck is wrong with you??? also, POV is not perspective. learn the fucking difference you dumbass. perspective is whose eyes you're looking through, POV is who's speaking. (for example, the Harry Potter series is written in third person (I think but don't fact-check me on this) limited and mostly from Harry's perspective.

adjective and adverb order. please please PLEASE it's just so weird when they're out of order like bro don't do this to me my soul is actually withering away.

also, Google Translated languages???? ew. it is not that hard to find a better translator or a PERSON WHO KNOWS THAT LANGUAGE WHO IS WILLING TO TRANSLATE FOR YOUUUUU~

shitty paragraphing. idk how to explain how to paragraph correctly, but if you do it based on vibes and you're not doing it like every other sentence and you're paragraphing the dialogue correctly, you're probably fine.

ohhhhhhh no I just remembered, bad quotes. there's this one Tumblr meme about how to punctuate dialogue/quotes correctly lemme find it-bruh. okay because my computer is stupid you can go Google it yourself okay? I have faith in you.

ummmmmmm yeah that's about as much as I have the energy to actually write down; y'all are NOT ALLOWED to attack me for having bad grammar on my own book because this isn't like actual writing;

shit I just forgot what I was gonna put there

well anyway I can rant about titles next chapter bye now~

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