Chapter 23

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I started to think you wasn't going to come! Mitch smiled as I walked into the restaurant. He was looking damn good. He was dressed in some black slacks, a black and white Versace polo shirt and some white and black Alexander McQueens.

I told you I'd be here! I smiled. He reached in for a hug and he smelt so damn good.
Apart of me felt guilty for being here and the other part of me didn't give a fuck.

Would you like a drink? He asked picking his glass up from the bar.

Uhhh yes, I'll have what your having. I smiled sitting down.

Ayee yo, 2! He said to the bartender. "You look very beautiful!" He smiled complementing me."

You don't look half bad yourself. So Mitch what was so pleasing that you just had to get down here to see me?

I heard how the meeting went and to say the less i was impressed. But then when i seen you, truth be told your smile! I told myself I'd be a fool if I didn't think love at first sight wasn't a real thing.

Oh so you think this is love at first sight?

I've never been in love but I'm hoping this is.

Your very charming with your words. You tell all your girls that? I asked as I took a sip of my drink. It was 3 shots of Henny on ice.

I don't tell anybody that! Your the first.

As handsome as you are, I don't believe you!

Mr. Washington your table is ready! The hostess said coming over to us. He smiled and held his hand out for me to take it as I got up. We locked arms and I grabbed my drink as we walked arm and arm through the restaurant and out to the patio. I loved moonlight dinners. The sun was setting so perfect and they turned on the heat out here.

How about we not worry about anything other then us.

Oh it's an us now? I sipped my drink and smiled.

I like the idea of us...

How about we get to know each other for now? I'm not interested in being in any type of relationship or situationship right now.

I'll take that but I'm not interested in a relationship I'm Interested in making you my wife.

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