Chapter 28

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Over the next few days I had to just focus on business to keep my mind off things. We haven't heard back from the jail yet or if they where gonna press charges against him for almost killing that man.

Okay y'all ready? Leah asked excitedly. Me, Leah, Kyra, Lexi, and Sienna all was going grocery shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. I wasn't mentally there but I came anyways cause I'm so sick of everyone telling me they wish I was around more and how I haven't been the same in almost a year. I haven't really addressed the issues with Leah or Kyra . We just started talking again as if nothing between us all happened and I wasn't 100% with them. I can feel it so I know they do too and I need to apologize to them and what better time then to do it then Thanksgiving. I also need to do the same with my brothers. They've been trying but kinda stopped because I was never letting up on treating them like my brothers again. I needed my family and I gotta stop wearing my heart on my sleeve.

Hey baby! Lexi said answering her phone as we walked to the car.
I took out my phone to text Mitch. "Hey do you wanna come up for Thanksgiving?" I pressed send and my message didn't deliver. Maybe his phone died....
I noticed everyone around me had someone except me. Leah and Kyra was married with families. Lexi had a dude, Sienna was fuckin on one of the crew members and even Quan was kicking it with this one shorty for a minute who I think he really likes. Then once again there's me. I picked up my phone and tried to call Mitch. "The person you are trying to reach is not accepting your calls right now!" He blocked me!

We got into the truck and Leah is the one who drove. I was so tired I needed a nap. I was so drained I need to go to sleep.

She pulled up to Walmart and we got out. I was gonna make the bake Mac and cheese, string beans, and ham. I grabbed a cart and made my way around the store to get the stuff that I needed.

I grabbed a few things for home while I was in here. I need to actually go grocery shopping and not just pick up a few things.

We made it back to Leah's house and separated the stuff. My social battery was draining so I said my good byes to them all, kissed my nephews bye and left out.

I stopped by the liquor store on my way home and grabbed a bottle. I cracked it opened taking a few shots in the car. It was like a refresher to me.

I got home and took a shower. After I sat on my bed for so long analyzing my life and I wasn't happy. Once again I was living but wasn't alive. I felt so alone and drowning in my sorrows. I finished the bottle and just laid in bed until my eyes closed.

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