Chapter 2

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Once she got home, she grabbed her phone and went online, purchasing something. 'Perfect.' She thought, as she set her phone down and thought of a plan. She remembered something and reached into her pocket, grabbing out a bloodied feather, Bubble had given her one of Engel's feathers to remember him by. She put the feather in her hair, along with a hairpin he gave her a bit ago. She still can't believe that he died, she physically won't let herself believe it. She felt dizzy. She went over and sat down on her couch, trying to think of a gameplan. Who could she get first? Maybe Zip, she seems like the weakest of the three. Can't get the teachers yet, obviously. She decided on Zip first.


The next day at school, she got a chocolate bar from a vending machine, and put some poison into it. She went over to Zip.

"Hey Zip, do you want this chocolate bar? The vending machine gave me an extra one."

"Oh, sure." Zip said, snatching it from Claire's hand.

Claire walked away with a smirk, and to her next class.

After class during lunch she saw Zip eating it, and run out shortly after. She followed with a syringe in her hand. When Zip was throwing up due to the poison, Claire went up behind her and jabbed the needle into her neck, making her jump and try to fight back, but pass out shortly after. She grabbed a nearby trash bag, and put Zip's body in it, picking it up (barely) and leaving school, and going to a farther area.

When Zip wakes up, she is tied by a rope in a secluded area. She moves around to try to figure out where she is, but she can't move. She has duct tape on her mouth so she can't talk either. She tries to yell, but nothing happens. She notices someone in the distance, they were walking over.

"Hello, Zip." Claire said, a malicious grin on her face.

"Mmmph! MM!!" Zip yelped, but could barely speak.

"Oh, I'm sorry dearie, let me help you out." Claire said, walking over and ripping the tape off of Zip's face.

"AUH! What the fuck is wrong with you!? Why are you doing this!?" Zip apprehended, as the writhe around in the ropes, trying to get themself free.

"Awh, is someone upset?" Claire asked, beginning to slowly walk around Zip.

"You see, I need to avenge the one who died for me, what better way than to make people like you go how they did, hm?" She proclaimed, stopping in front of Zip to lean down and look her eye-to-eye.

"Y-you're a fucking monster you know that.." Zip says, looking away from her and at the ground.

"Oops, I'm sorry, did I strike a nerve?" Claire asks sassily and sarcastically, grabbing her pocket knife from her belt.

"Hey, wait, what are you-"
Claire stabs Zip in the side of the head. Zip screams in pain from the sudden stab, the blood gushing from the wound as Claire yanks the knife out, stabbing her again, and again, and again. Claire's grin widens, as she continues stabbing, practically forcing herself atop Zip as she stabs, Zip not even moving or breathing anymore. She just keeps stabbing and stabbing, till she finally stops, standing up and sighing. Claire wipes the blood off her face and sighs, looking down at the mess ahead of her.

"My, I went a bit far, didn't I? Better clean you up." She said, before starting to clean up the body.


After she finished cleaning, she changed into a different pair of clothes she brought, cleaning as much blood off her body as possible. Once she finished she went back to her house, resting on her bed. She grabbed her phone and started to look through her gallery, she tapped a photo of her, Bubble, and Engel. She looked at the photo and smiled a bit. She noticed in her reflection that she still had a bit of blood on her face, but she didn't mind. It wasn't important, there's more important things to be dealt with. She licked the blood from her face, it tasted.. Good. How had she never tried this? Oh well, it doesn't matter much currently. After all, everything can be solved when she finishes this.

.. - / .-- .- ... / -- -.-- / ..-. .- ..- .-.. - / - --- / -... . --. .. -. / .-- .. - .... .-.-.- / .. / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. ...- . / -. . ...- . .-. / -.. --- -. . / - .... .. ... / - --- / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.-

End of chapter 2!!

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