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Being back to his regular days had been a smooth transition.

He had no craving nor would the sight of a drop of blood make him go crazy like it did before.

Hoseok hated but was also thankful for the bond, it had made him stronger not just mentally but physically as well.

The boy was already an extreme fighter but he had realized being bonded and having a clear mind had made him even better.

"So what's this" hoseok looked to yoongi and then followed his finger.

"A gift" he replied nonchalantly he had forgotten to take the necklace off, now that he was no longer running away from seokjin he didn't need the necklace but having worn it for a the last month or so the boy had gotten used to it.

He normally hides it under his shirt but he had forgotten about it.

Being shirtless infront of his best friend wasn't going to hide the necklace.

Yoongi had barged into his room while the boy was changing luckily hoseok had already pulled his pants up when the boy opened the door.

Yoongi had walked in talking and didnt realize that hoseok was half naked.

They were used to this so no one thought to avert.

But once yoongi had settled on his bed and finally stopped talking his eyes caught a glimpse of the necklace.

"I hadn't seen it before" yoongi said laying down on hoseok bed to get comfortable.

Hoseok finally pulled the shirt over his head and fixed his hair " got it from my dad" he lied again.

Yoongi hummed in response and got up from the bed when hoseok pushed him.

"Lets go" he said to his best friend and walked toward the door, turning to see if yoongi was following him hoseok found the boy just getting off the bed.

Hosoek sighed and rolled his eyes when yoongi whined about how his bed was too comfy to let go of.


" duty calls" yoongi yawned as he placed the last book in his bag.

Hoseok hummed

"You've been civilized with the vamps these days" yoongi said, he had noticed how hoseok would get less pissed off at every gaze that fell on him and he did remark that the clan would stay away from hoseok and didn't try to piss him for their own pleasure as they used to.

"Got scolded by dad" he mumbled, it wasn't a lie, not completely at least. Hoseok had been talked to by seokjin.

Hoseok had been in his dorm room a few nights prior when seokjin let himself in and sat on his bed while the boy was taking a shower, once hoseok walked out, he wasn't mad but wasn't glad either to have seokjin come in as he pleases into his room.

Hoseok sighed and mumbled a 'what do you want' as he sat down while drying his hair.

Seokjin had said nothing just watched the boy until hoseok was done drying his hair and had gotten up from the bed to throw his towel in a basket to be washed later.

He turned around and spoke again, this time seokjin motioned for the boy to come closer, hoseok rolled his eyes but complied as he felt a weird flutter in his stomach at the gesture.

Seokjin smiled as he felt what hosoek was feeling.

"Fuck you" hoseok said as he stood in front of seokjin knowing full well that he had felt the same sensation that went through hoseok.

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