we are fucked ⚕️

72 13 2

Seokjin grabbed hoseok by neck as he deepened the kiss.

Hoseok fell on his pillow as he tried to keep up with a lust filled seokjin.

Once seokjin pulled away, he quickly lowered himself and removed hoseoks' pants.

Gripping the boys shaft, he moved back up and bit hoseok on his forearm.

Hoseok groaned in pleasure from seokjins hand and the bite.

Hoseoks free hand finds its way to seokjins head, pulling at the hair, the vampire let go of hoseoks arm.

Hoseok watched as a few drops of blood fell on his chest.

Seokjin ignores hoseok, lowers himself, and licks off the blood.

Hoseok groans in frustration.

"Hurry," hoseok gasps as he tries to pull seokjin closer.

"Impatient, as always," seokjin says as he pulls hoseoks legs apart.

Lowering his pants enough to let his members out, seokjin guided himself until his tip had pushed through.

Hoseok shut his eyes as the burning sensation became unbearable.

"You asked for it," seokjin reminds him.

Hoseok does not want to give into seokjins. Words cuss him out and tell him to move.

Seokjin moves forward painfully slow.

"Fuck" hoseok groans in pain

Seokjim sighs and grabs hoseoks wrist and in a swift motion bites the boys wrist and thrusts into him.

Hoseok moans loudly as the pain subsided and pleasure took over.

Seokjin kept hoseoks wrist at his mouth licking the blood that dripped out and waited.

Waited until the sudden panic that had risen in hoseok disappeared and calmness along with familiarity took over.

Now he was ready.

Seokjin let go of the boys arm and lowered himself to enguld the boys head and hugged him tight while he delivered every thrust at his mates command of wanting, more and more.


"Hoseok !" Hoseok looked to his side startled by the loud noise in his ear.

Finding yoongi smiling wild, hoseok threw a punch on his best friends arm.

"What the fuck yoongi" he said while rubbing his ear to sooth it.

"You were so out of it, come on time to go" the boy nudged his friend and finally left the classroom.

"Stop fucking yelling in my ears, i might go deaf"

Yoongi mocked Hoseok by repeating what he had just said.

Hoseok lifted his hand to hit yoongi but the boy started running away laughing.

Hoseok ran after the boy and before yoongi could even blink hoseok was infront of him.

"Hoseok! What the fuck" yoongi yelled as he fell on the floor.

"How the fuck did you get here!" He asked astonished at his friends speed.

Hoseok panicked for a second "ive always been faster than you"

Yoongi looked at him wanting to ask more but nodded "Okay, okay you are now help me up"

Hoseok sighed in relief and helped yoongi up.


"Hey" hoseok turned and found seokjin smiling at him.

Hoseok's ears burned, he turned away to avoid seokjins eyes.

"I guess the affects are still present" he whispers into hoseoks ear, who pushes him away.

"Fuck off" trying to keep his cool, hoseok tried to control his emotions and forget about last night.

Seokjin placed a hand on hoseoks shoulder and pulled the boy closer circling his arm around hoseok holding him in place.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Hoseok asked as he remembered they were outside where his best friend could see him.

" he has left with the rest" seokjin says before hoseok can even utter the words.

Hoseok believing seokjin stops fighting to get the vampire's arm off.

Seokjin pulls again until there is no space left in-between.

"Your emotions do run wild" he said as he placed a peck on hoseok forhead.

"Not funny" hoseok says, trying to sound mad but his facial expressions betray him along with his emotions that seokjin can vividly feel.

" hm" seokjin agrees, a sudden urge to be intimate with his mate starts bubling in his stomach that he couldn't resist pulling hoseok into a slow kiss.

Hoseoks hand found their way to seokjins hips where he fists the mans shirt trying to control himself.

Seokjin pulls away when he starts feeling that hoseok is getting way too aroused.

Hoseok groans as he lets his head fall on seokjins shoulder.

"Sorry," seokjin replies as he strokes his mates hair.


Hearing his name, the boy reluctantly lets go of seokjin and moves further, leaving a two-step gap between them.

" i should leave," he says, and seokjin nods his head.

"Where were you?" Yoongi asks once he met hoseok halfway.

"Sorry, the weather was nice. I ended up laying next to a tree,"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. " You left me with those crazy people." yoongi fake cries and wipes his non existing tears.

Hoseok chuckles. " What's up?"

Yoongi stops smiling and speaks, " Your father stated a minor emergency. He wants you in the office."

Hoseok nods his head and follows yoongi to his fathers office.


"What!" Hoseok says as he gets up from his seat.

"You've got to be kidding me." he rubs a hand over his face and exhales loudly.

Yoongi turns to hoseok. " it might not be as bad. They did say that it was a maybe."

Hoseok looks at his father and turns to yoongi.

" Maybe, means it might happen."

Yoongi sinks into his seat and stares at the ceiling.

Hoseoks' father turned to look outside.

The boy himself sighed once again in despair and walked back to his seat.

" so maybe we are fucked" yoongi whispers.

Hoseoks father turns around and lays his hands on his desk. He was about to say something to console the boys, but his son beat him to it.

"Yes, yoongi, we might get fucked by a fucking psycho escapee of a vampire, who will sniff humans out till he gets to one"

Hoseok turns to yoongi.

"What better place then a school nearby with nothing but a fucking forest"

Hoseoks father sits down he takes a breath and before he can say anything once again yoongi beats him to it this time.

" we should probably prepare to capture that craze before he gets to anyone."

Hoseoks nods his head.

He will not let anything happen to anyone. He would be stronger this time and protect every human like he wished he had his younger brother.


Hello! Hi! How are you all??? I hope you all are doing well 💗 here is another chapter.

It's time to announce that this book is coming to an end shortly:)

Yours To Take -2seokDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora