Chapter 16: Dinner Party

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For the first time since maybe Fifth Year, he regarded the person in front of him with interest. Of course, she was a bit off the mark due to the underground potion exchange he hadn't clued her in on, but he couldn't hold that against her. She wasn't aware of the current economical infrastructure.

But it did give him an idea of his own.

What if Jack had been given an incorrect potion that caused him harm and now he was looking for the wizard or witch that gave it to him. That would be a strong vendetta he'd have. Though finding a blonde healer that dealt with the underground potion ring was going to be a pain in the arse while also trying to manage the casework Singer had given him. He'd have to pick up the files tomorrow, but he wasn't alone. He had someone with a keen eye to assist him.

The corners of his lip rose faintly. She was no longer that witch in his head. Maybe she deserved to be addressed now.


Her name was Stella.

And she was going to be the perfect bait for what he'd plan soon.

Chapter 16: Dinner Party


She didn't like the way he was looking at her. It wasn't in a lewd manner nor was it nice, per-say. When he opened his mouth, she remembered perfectly well why she didn't care for him at all. "Tonight, I'm going to put you to use."

To use? And what exactly did that entitle? "Are you sick?"

He looked confused, "No."

"You must be if you think I'm doing anything else, but sleeping tonight. I'm exhausted."

A quiet scoff escaped him, "Not too tired to leave the flett without me."

"I don't need your permission." Stella retorted, staring up at him as his eyes gleamed with humor, "If I want to leave, I'll do just that."

Eden's head picked up, glancing towards the entrance to the alley. Ominis and her looked, but there wasn't anything suspicious. Just a bunch of Londoners coming and going as they pleased. Ominis seemed to be inquiring about it as a mixture of smooth and harsh sibilate noises escaped his lips. Since when had snake chit-chat become something to be hot and bothered about? Stella ignored the impudent thought, reminding herself that Satan's heir was standing in front of her. She shouldn't be hot and bothered about anything related to him.

"We need to go." He said shortly after a moment of silence, "Eden didn't see it, but she thinks that someone was standing by the entrance, listening to us."

The thought unsettled her. "Back to yours, then?"

His lips formed a smug half-smile as he flashed his canines at her, "You might not need my permission to go as you please, but you clearly need it to come..." He intentionally paused before adding, " my place."

Stella's eyes formed daggers, "You're vile."

"That might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He nodded his head, "Hold out your hand."

Surprise flickered through her. He was going to touch her? Instead of grabbing her hand or wrist, Ominis pinched the fabric of her sleeve as if she was rubbish needing to be thrown out. Amusement was heavy in his gaze that rivaled the disgruntlement in hers before they Apparated back to his flat.

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