1.7| rope

948 44 3

tw! topic involving suicide

winnie tighten the knots of the rope, making sure that it isn't loose. she wouldn't want to fall in the process right? she pulled the rope down for good measure, ensuring that it wont broke from the ceiling.

she stared at the rope. the rope she bought is in rainbow colored, often used as a material for arts and craft. winnie had thought that it is thick and strong enough to support her weight. and it is much cheaper than regular ropes.

she chuckled softly at herself. such a colorful thing, yet is used for something so dark. she pulled the rope again by the loop she made, nodding to herself, feeling satisfied.

she looks around her room one last time. the room is dull and neat. no pictures, no decorations, just study books. she wondered for a second if she should leave a note.

even if she do, who would even read them? surely not her parents. they have three more children to worry about than to even weep over their dead child. surely not her friends, as she was always used by them to get what they want for their own advantages.

the only person that could probably care in the slightest was in the hospital, fighting to stay alive. right. that person was in the hospital because of herself. because of what she's done.

she shakes her head trying to get rid of the negative feeling. she is ready. she stand on her toes on top of the stool, placing the rope around her neck and tighten them.

she takes a deep breath. everything will be fine. it's okay. she closes her eyes before kicking the stool away and fall down. the rope on her neck tightens more and preventing air to pass through her lungs. she struggle as she felt pain and how she cannot breathe. her reflex told her to loosen the rope to breathe so her hands clawed at her throat.

she's scared. she didn't know death could be this painful. she could see black spots around her vision before everything went black and she went absolutely still.


"winnie?" charles' voice snaps her out of her reverie. she looks at him seeing concern written on his face. "are you okay? is something wrong?" winnie blinked for a moment to regain her focus. she put on a wide fake smile that makes charles believes she is okay.

"sorry i was kind of spacing out. i'm peachy." she assures him before looking at the others again. it's been so long since she recalled those memories. edwin's speech about his and charles' death not matter must have triggered it somehow. but, she shouldn't worry about that now. she has to help finding a missing girl.

"right. so we discovered this witch, esther finch, is deeply obsessed with youth. she kidnaps local girls every few years, lock them in her cupboard and steals their vitality." edwin explains as they all sat around a square table in the middle of the shop.

winnie has met esther a few times before. finding her vibe a bit suspicious but never expects her to be a witch. "she's a villain. a proper villain." edwin and crystal nodded in agreement. "you get this all from a cat?" crystal raise her eyebrow in anusement. "those little bastards are heartless and clever. and their scratches sting like fire. i've felt it too many times." winnie smirks at crystal.

she huffs "to think that a cat knows more than me." winnie mumbled in disappointment at herself, since she is doing little help. edwin glance at her before clearing his throat "well you couldn't probably know everything, could you?" he says without looking at the girl. winnie blinks at him in surprised before a grin slowly creeps on her lips. she find the idea of edwin attempting to comfort her a bit amusing.

"if she's still alive, we slip in, find the girl, spirit her out, done. there you go, easy as that." edwin turns to face crystal. "oh, and i will need the architectural plans for the house. can you find it on your.. internet?" he asks confusely while winnie and charles snort.

"not exclusively my internet.. i'll explain later." crystal pats edwin's hand. "great! and charles will have his 'bag-of-tricks' backpack." winnie laughs as he calls it that. but charles only reply with a sarcastic smile. "okay, okay, right. it's actually a complex pocket universe only i can navigate after years of practice. but yeah, i mean, 'bag-of-tricks' is fine." winnie watch the banter in amusement.

"and you." edwin turns to winnie and the others do the same. winnie looks down to fiddle with her fingers. "i know, i know. i shouldn't be meddling with the case.." she pouts and sighs. edwin set his jaw as he think "fine. i guess you could help. four heads are better than three." winnie couldn't believe it. her face lit up and she high fives charles.

the lights turned on and all four of them turn around to see jenny, in her pajamas, widen her eyes in surprise. "jesus, you scared me! i thought you were a meat robber, or, like a.. meat pervert or.." to her, it's looks like crystal is talking to herself at night in the middle of the shop with three other empty chairs. so yeah, the big cleaver in her hands is totally reasonable.

"what are you doing?" crystal was about to explain when jenny cut her off. "you know what? i don't wanna know. and i don't care how old you are. go to bed." she turns off the lights and the shop went dark but the light oitside is enough for them to see each other faces.

winnie snickers at the exchange before patting crystal's shoulder. "you should listen to her. go to bed."


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