Chapter 1 - got caught

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"You're not sorry because you did it your sorry because you got caught.." - viv


"Hey you what are you stuffing in your pockets!?" the old guy says looking down the aisle I'm in.

Oh shit.
I was at the store because I ran out of cigarettes and gum, and I can live without them I would usually go at night but I was desperate..

I smile awkwardly as he glares at me I grab one more pack of cigarettes and gum then make a run for it.

I dash the other way as he starts coming after me, people shopping watch in shock as I run past them in this huge ass store.

I turn towards the exit almost there.

I almost make it out the store.


The next thing I know I'm getting yanked back by the collar of my shirt and on to the floor.

I look up quickly already seeing 3 cops above me glaring at me.

"At least you tried little girl" one cop says with a smirk.

"You're under arrest" another one says pinning me to the floor as he cuffs me.

I groan in frustration as he yanks me back up and out the door.

People watch as the drag me to the police car and throw me in.

"Damn it you cock suckers" I yell.
When they got me to the police station they put me in one of those rooms.

An interrogation room.

I've been sitting here for almost an hour and nobody has yet to come it.

"Motherfu-" I'm cut short when the door opens and a female officer and a male officer enter the room.

"Hello I'm Mrs. Montez and this is Mr. Gale" the woman says sitting down in front of me.

She pulls out files with a picture and all my information on it.

"I see you've gotten in a quiet trouble these past few years like to tell me why?" She says with a smile.

I look at her and say "I do a thing called doing what I want" I say to her with a smile.

The other officer looks away obviously trying not to laugh.

The woman frowns and sighs.
"Let me ask you another question, where is your parents ?" She says.

"In these papers it says nothing about them only that they had you" she says.

I look away and mumble " my parents died in a car crash.."

She doesn't speak for a minute before asking "how long ago was this Valencia?" She says.

"8 years ago" I say without hesitation.

"Oh shit" the other cop says.

The woman gets up without another word and they both walk out leaving me alone.

And hungry because I'm a big back i need me some food....

I hear someone slam something on the table making me jump up and glare at them.

The woman stands there with a smile.

Here's breakfast and good news we found somewhere for you to go since you're not eligible to care for yourself yet" she says.

"There's a woman who runs a girls institute about 20 minutes away she's coming to see you and might even take you home with her!" She says with a smile.

I just stare at her and grab my food starting to eat it.

"Oh wow that's amazing...." I sarcastically say.

She walks out with a sigh.
I've been sitting here for 30 minutes now.

Where is this woman???

I'm just about to yell at the camera but then the officer woman walks in with someone behind her.

" Valencia this is the woman I was talking about she's here to see you" Mrs.Montez says.

She moves to the side for me to see.

And god damn this woman is hot as fuck....

She has tanned gorgeous skin with a couple tattoos, dark brown hair, she has freckles on her nose and those eyes....

Damn those eyes....

She smiles at me and offers me her hand.

"Hi nice to meet you Valencia I'm Mrs. Howard but you can call me Skye" she says with dominance in her voice.

"Hello" I say with a frown wanting to get out of here.
We are in the car driving to her home.
She's my new caretaker.

"I have 6 girls already in my care" she says.

More hot girls!!

"I'm sure you guys will be great getting along I see you all like the same style" she says with a smile.

I look down at my outfit, I'm wearing a cropped graphic shirt with some skinny black jeans with rips in them and white shoes.

"What are their names?" I ask.

"Well we have Jayda, Claire, Nina, Miley, Gianna and Katelyn."

Cute names~

I  put back on my act and look out the window driving farther away from the police station, we turn and start holding up a driveway with rocks.

I look up seeing a wide 2 story house with a nice garden and a nice front porch.

"You house is amazing" I say as we both step out of the car.

"I'm glad you like it sweetheart" she chuckles and gently push me up the stairs of the porch, we stand at the door.

I can already hear people inside talking.

I can't wait to meet her guys!
If she steals something tell me.
Do you think she'll like my cooking?

"Here we go" I whisper as Skye opens the door.

Ok guys that was chapter 1 I hope you guys liked it.

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