chapter 3

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The next moment, Ishan was on the floor hissing in pain.....


"WHY THE FUVK DID YOU PUSH ME?! OW! " Ishan shouted, still lying on the floor and hissing in pain.


Everyone came running after hearing his shout.

"What happened, Ishan, why are you on the floor?" Hardik asked with concern, rushing to help him  while Mayank joined him to support his back.

"He pushed me, bhaiya!" Ishan said, glaring at Shubman.

"I didn't!" Shubman protested frantically, shocked and stunned.

"Then how did he fall?" Hardik questioned.

"I don't know, he fell by himself... I didn't do anything," Shubman reiterated, looking genuinely puzzled.

Ishan was so annoyed since they finally were able to confess their feelings to each other and were having precious moments and it was destroyed by Shubman . Now Shubman is saying he didn't do anything?! Then who else could possibly have pushed him?! They were the only ones present in that moment; no one else could have pushed him. Ishan being frustrated left from there.

Everyone's gaze was then shifted towards Shubman, who still had a dumbstruck expression on his face.

"Shubman, you don't understand that it's not the right time for a joke," Rohit scolded, looking down at his friend sternly. "Specially not with Ishan".

"But bhaiya I swear I didn't do-"

"You'll catch a cold if you stay like this so better come inside" Rohit said and left from there with others.

Shubman rubbed his hand through his hair and sighed deeply as he noticed Tilak was still there.

"Why are you standing here? You too want to say something?" Shubman asked.

"Um... Virat bhai said we would leave at 4am tomorrow morning," Tilak replied, quickly left after flashing a smile, probably to try and avoid more potential drama that might unfold.

At midnight

As everyone was slowly drifting off to sleep inside the room, Shubman was still awake, unable to fall asleep. He was determined to stay awake and make sure nothing happened to the others until morning.

Abhishek, who also couldn't seem to fall asleep.

"Hey, bro, why are you not sleeping?" Abhishek said as he entered the balcony, joining Shubman who was still sitting there.

"Who the hell sleeps at this hour?" Shubman asked, and Abhishek's only reply was, "Normal people do".

To which Shubman humorously replied, "Then we are not normal people."

they both laughed.

"Btw congratulations" Abhishek said, slightly hugging Shubman.

"For what?" Shubman asked, looking at him with a puzzled expression, to which Abhishek replied, "Finally confessing your love to Ishan."

Shubman's eyes widened on hearing this and went into a state of shock for a minute before he finally spoke up.

"But... how do you know?" Shubman tried to deny it once more before it was too late, but Abhishek wasn't going to let him get off like that.

"We heard everything... You guys were too loud," Abhishek explained, seeing his best friend blush upon the realization.

"Shameless..." Shubman muttered aloud, feeling a bit embarrassed at their eavesdropping.

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