chapter 4

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Their bodies lie there motionless on the floor, their breath slowly slowing down and their hearts barely beating, as their minds and souls were taken by the black, shadowy figure that they could never escape from.


After a while, Tilak slowly came to consciousness and found himself in an old and dreary room. The light from the dim bulb was barely illuminating the space, making it even harder to get his bearings.

He got up unsteadily, groaning as he felt his whole body was aching from head to toe, as if someone was piercing him with tiny needles all over his body.

He scanned the room with his eyes, searching for any signs of his friends or the mysterious black figure, but he was seemingly alone.

"Where are you guys?" Tilak murmured in a shaky voice, slowly looking around the dark and cramped room.

His vision was still hazy and disoriented, but he quickly started calling out his friends' names as he moved around the room, searching for any sign of life.

"Shubman! Hardik! Virat! Ishan!" he called out frantically, his voice wavering with fear and desperation.

An eerie silence was the only response he received, and Tilak became more and more concerned and afraid.

Suddenly, with a sharp crack, lightning struck outside, the thunder rumbling loudly in the sky. The sky was completely dark, shrouded in black rainclouds and thick fog.

The rain had now started falling again, pouring down in a heavy downpour. The thunder roared in the background as lightning bolts streaked across the dark sky and lightning illuminated the place periodically, leaving the room momentarily in a bright glow.

The atmosphere was getting thicker and thicker, and Tilak suddenly felt a sense of extreme dread and tension in the air, as if something evil had now entered the room...

Tilak saw a large mirror in one of the walls, the surface of it gleaming and sparkling, almost as if it was beckoning him to come closer. It seemed to have a hypnotic power over him, slowly pulling him in its direction.

Like under some kind of weird spell, Tilak slowly began to walk towards the mirror, his body moving on autopilot, like he was losing control of his mind and his actions.

The mirror seemed to be calling for him, and there was something alluring about it, the surface of it drawing him in...

Tilak  saw himself in the mirror, his reflection revealing the dark circles under his eyes, the pale and gaunt skin, the trembling hands, and the pure fear that seemed to consume him right to his core.

A loud thunderstorm was raging outside, as lightning illuminated the place in a bright flash. The thunder was so loud that it almost knocked him off his feet, and the air was thick with static that he could feel on his skin.

Suddenly, the reflection in the mirror changed, and Tilak's own image was replaced by the ominous, sinister burnt figure, staring back at him with a creepy, devilish smile on its face.

Tilak froze in shock and fear, his eyes widening in horror and disbelief as his mind raced with the realization that this sinister figure was standing right there in front of him.

The smile on the face of the figure was twisted and evil, staring straight into his soul, and Tilak felt like he was facing his worst nightmare coming to life...

Tilak suddenly felt his throat being tightened, a suffocatingly tight grip surrounding his neck, as if someone was choking him and not letting air pass through.

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