Chapter 1: Meeting the Doctor Part 1

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I put my favourite  t-shirt on that had a picture of a dog. It was raised so I could feel it. Then I put on a skirt and tights. My three year old guide dog Diamond sat there, waiting patiently. She panted a bit.

"I'll get you water, girl!" I told her, feeling round for my brush. "Looking forward to meeting the Doctor?"

Diamond trotted over and nuzzled me. I took that to be a yes. I continued brushing my hair and tying it in a ponytail.

"Ready, Delilah?" Came Mother's voice. "Rose texted to ask."

"Say I'm on my way, Mother!" I said.

I picked up Diamond's harness. The dog instantly came and went into it. I clipped the belly strap round her and made it was on  properly. Then I clipped her leash onto her collar.

"Good girl!" I petted her.

I found the treats and put them and her brush along with my things in a backpack. Rose did tell me that the Doctor was excited to have a dog on board the TARDIS. So much so that he put a dog bed in the concil room. I couldn't wait to properly meet him. I was away at guide dog training when he first met Rose and my Mother. But all the plastic things happened in the hotel I was doing the training at. It was kind of creepy.

"Let's go!" I told Diamond, picking up the handle and leash. "Forward!"

Diamond lead me out of the room. My Mother Jackie was there. She hugged me.

"Don't get into trouble like your sister!" She told me.

"Don't exactly promise!" I admitted.

Mother kissed my head and opened the door to our flat. Then we were off.


I heard the strange noises of the TARDIS and knew I was going the right way. Diamond pricked up her ears, but didn't whimper.

"Ah," came Rose's voice. "Here you are.""

She ran to me and we hugged.

"Where is the Doctor?" I asked.

"Ah," said Rose. "Sorting stuff out in the Concil Room,"

"So this is the TARDIS?" I asked.

"Yes," said Rose. "Sorry for the noise. But that's how it works."

"It's okay," I giggled. "It helped, actualy. Didn't it, Diamond?"

The dog nodded, her ears flopping. Then someone else joined us.

"Ah," said Rose. "Here he is."

"Well, hello!" Came a scottish voice. "You must be Delilah."

He put out his hand for me to shake which I did so.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Likewise," said the doctor. "Aww, is this Diamond?"

He went to kneel down beside Diamond.

"Am I allowed to meet her?" He asked me. "Being on duty and all. Well behaved dog."

"Of course," I said.

I let the handle drop and she sat, letting the Doctor pet her.

"Aww," he said. "How long have you had her now?"

"Er ... coming up to two years, now!" I said. "It didn't take long to get her! Usually the lists are long. But I managed to get matched with her."

"Good thing, too!" Said Rose. "You needed to get out of the flat."

"Bet it was tricky though," said the Doctor. "The training and things."

"Yeah," I admitted. "But we got there, in the end.  Despite all the stuff that was happening."

I couldn't see them, but Rose and the Doctor shared a look.



Here is chapter 1 of my Doctor Who Fanfiction.  I hope you liked it.

Chapter 2 will be out on Sunday.

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