My life

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'hey, are u free this evening?


'Well we were thinking of studying together for physiology'

'Oh sorry my parents  just texted me and said that they wants to meet me in the afternoon'

'Oh, okay bye'


I said while going through my these days I was barely at home, always on a sleep over or at a party.  Actually I don't wanna go home. Because, well typical rich parents problems, they aren't even at home which is good, because all they do is fight. And now I'm kinda concerned why they wanted me to meet so suddenly.whatever, I have other problems to deal with.

'Hey Ash, did u hear the latest gossip?

'U know I'm not interested in those stuff ivy.

'Uh, anyways do u know that ,ur ex and Elder started dating?

'Oh josh,weren't they dating all along?

'No they weren't, they just announced it this morning'

'Aren't u upset.

'Why would I be ?

'Idk, he was ur ex after all'

'I don't rly care about him now because, he is a jerk and I'm happy that I'm not dating him anymore'

'And him dating elder after u is like a really step down in the social ladder, I mean like dating one of the prettiest girls in hill woodland and going for Elder is ......stupid I guess? 

' whatever and that was ur so called latest gossip?

'Actually no, a transferred student Showed up this morning'


'HE LOOKS LIKE A FRICKING DEMIGIOD. Ill show him in the lunch break and its only been like two hours and has girls swooning over him'

' Hm, looks like Noah is gonna lose his place as the school's prince charming'

'OMG, i think the transfer guy also plays basketball, it's gonna be soooooooo


'How do u even know that the guy plays basketball?

'Well, that's called common sense Ash something u really don't have. He was wearing a lakers arm band and he looked well built, buff and etc'

'We have chemistry now let's go'

'Ahhhhhhhhhh, I hate chemistry why do even have to learn this stupid staff which we won't be even needing them in future'

'Actually it's not that bad'

'Yeah because u got a IQ of 200'

'Ivy, no one has ever had an IQ of 200'

'Maybe u will be the first?

'U really are too dumb'

'Says the nerd'

'I'm not a nerd, it's just that I'm naturally smart and I don't wear glasses,doesn't keep my head in a book every time and most importantly I socialize a lot'

'Let's sit there'

 I sat down near The window , my usual spot. mostly most of the student don't like to sit near the  , I don't know why. So most of the time row behind us is empty but today there was a bag in the table. Must be someone new. 

'Um , why is the P.E teacher here?

'Okay, everyone listen up ur chemistry teacher's absent '

'Oh, finally thank god'

'And I'll be covering her absence for this period, so get up and come to the ground within 5m

Or u will be doing 20 push ups'

'Uh, I take it, chemistry teacher sounds good'

'Let's go do u wanna do 20 push ups?

'But I need to apply this sunscreen'

'Oh give me some too'

'Hurry up children, the weather looks good today, give me 5 laps'

'Ivy ,let's go'

'Well, easy for u because ur a swimmer'

'Whatever, let's go, do u wanna be the last one to finish?

'Hey, Ash wait up , I'm coming'

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