This isn't real

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'Bye ivy'

'See u tmrw'

I was a going home after a long tiring day of high school,  i told the driver to go home and closed my eyes and thought why would my parents want to meet me all of a sudden. Like they were never home because my mom is a business woman and dad is a lawyer. Mom is on business trips and dad's busy with his work. Now I'm kinda getting scared because they weren't getting along these days and fighting, I hope what I'm thinking is not gonna happen.

'Miss we are here'

'Oh thanks Fredrick'

I got out of the car and opened the front door. Something feels strange, the house unusually quiet and on the other days Rosemary our main house maid always welcome me as soon as I entered the house and I can hear faint sounds of servants talking but today it's so quite.


Are u guys here?

' Avery, I need you to understand...............'

That was my uncle's voice, was interrupted by my aunt

'Yeah ash we are here come to upstairs

 Wait ,Why is my aunt here?I ran into upstairs to find mom sat down in the lobby with my aunt standing in front of my uncle with a ..................girl that look about my age, she and I shared some similar features

'Oh,Ashley we were waiting for you'

'Yeah, for what?

'Before that Ashley can u promise me that you are goanna listen to what I say till the end and understand my situation and cooperate with me?

He sounded so different and broken

'Why,what's going on?where is mom and dad? And who sent me that msg?

'Your parents did ,now can u?

'No i don't understand, if they sent me the message where are they? '

'Ash can u?

'Okay, I guess'

'Ashley, I don't know how say this to you but,on their way home their car's .......... I think something must have been wrong with the car brake and near the exit of the high way......

'WHAT, what happened?tell ME

'Ashley I'm so sorry they crashed into barrier of the high way, they were taken to the hospital immediately but ... ur parents wasn't lucky enough 

What... am i hallucinating, this can't be true.on the message they said they were waiting for me.


I ran down stairs to find mom and dad

'Come on guys that's enough'

'Ashley, I'm so sorry my dear we need to go to the hospital'

'NO , LET GO ur lying they said they were waiting for me, nooooo!

'Hey Ashley its okay, I'm here we need to go to the hospital now shall we?

This is not supposed to happen. Please let this be a dream. Its true that they were never home and were busy with their works but still they cared a lot for me. Aunt and uncle got into a car and told me and other girl also to get in. I felt like a ghost ever felt like they is no one to care for u and come for ur school project and no one to come for ur parents meeting, that must be a feeling of an orphan like how I'm feeling right now.

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