The Unsolved Mystery of Swarnagarh ♦2♦

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In the ancient halls where memories wend,
Weathered stones where stories blend..
Awe-inspiring designs which shadows cast,
The majestic era where memories are vast..

Rich legacies are all in a silent cry,
In the ancient chambers where only shadows lie..
Whispers of the grandeur of an Indian Empire are seen,
In the ruins of time, the untold legacy had ever been..

In the ruined chambers where memories dwell,
When whispers of ancient treasure softly cast their spell..
The unheard echoes of this empires seems so lame,
Lost in history, the link of this empire have to reclaim..

Majestic chambers, unknowns corridors, hidden pillars tall,
Hold secrets of an empire, which was once standing tall..
Legends warriors, past love, unknown character and the king crowned ,
In the tapestry of time, their unsolved enigma and their stories resound..

Through the veils of time, their voices finally arose,
A path to greatness of an empire, to which everyone bows ..
In the stillness, the tapestry of shadows are immense,
But each beam of light and each bit of echo has its own essence..

To glimpse the splendour of days destroyed,
Only left is to hear the echoes of a distant war cry..
In the ruins of that empire, where happiness once lied,
Whispers of glory now seemed to have died..

These ruins speak of the dark facts that runs,
A war which destroyed even their loved ones..
Something happened in the dark of these ruins which no one can tell,
It has a hidden secret…maybe a witch casting a spell..

Hold your this mystery is still left unsolved,
Bring the past life to a new, for this mystery had to be resolved..
Caged with a wicked spell, she has to be saved,
The soulmates have to meet.. the love which was always craved..

Reborn characters are now on their way to these ancient cries,
On their way, where unknown to everyone ancient city Swarnagarh lies...
The Unsolved Mystery of Swarnagarh has its own cruth,
The witch casting her wicked spell, we have to find the hidden truth.....

--Narayan S.

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