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To Sylvoril Erynore, crown princess of Thegalla, from Lauden Eyrnore, princess of Thegalla

Sylv, I miss you, firstly. I know if I don't say that then you'd have something to say about it. I do. I miss you and Mother, and Thegalla. A lot. I even miss Parliament. Can you imagine? But that's what it's like here. It's so different. I mean, they speak our language, they have a castle and a village, and a hierarchy I recognise, but everything's just a little bit too different. Like I'm ever so slightly out of sync with the world around me.

Something so simple like their stonework is darker. It's darker and I'm still surprised every time my mind thinks a wall will look a certain way, then I turn and it doesn't. The people are somehow harsher. Perhaps unhappier? I'm not sure how to explain it, but they seem less approachable, meaner, like they'd be cruel. There are no bright colours anywhere to be seen except a dragon's scales. It reminds me of those poisonous amphibians we learnt about. Zegon feels like that; the only colour in this place heralds death. And death lurks around every corner. Literally.

Reyn is...pleasant. We spend a few hours a day together, just walking and talking. But he, too, is different here. More what I expected when we first met him; colder and apathetic. Especially around his father. But I think it's an act. I see through it to the man he is – could be – and that man is someone I could probably spend a happy enough life with. He tries so hard to be the heir his father wants though, like the kerei his father fawns over at every opportunity.

The rumours about a second bond are true! Stupid Lieutenant Darkmore. I swear, Perron has the biggest power boner for Darkmore. I mean, I see the appeal. Physically. But he's the one who killed all Mum's delegates. For nothing more than their nationality. He hates Thegallans more than any other kerei.

The first day I got here, he held a knife to my throat! Reyn says he wouldn't dare risk Perron's displeasure by actually killing me. But I'm not so sure. I see the way he looks at me and I know he wants to kill me. Given that Perron seems more than happy to give him whatever concessions he wants because it's amusing – ! – I'm surprised I haven't found a knife in me already.

I let you and Mother down at the first hurdle with him, Sylv. I just can't keep my mouth shut around him. He's so aggravating and somehow manages to push every single one of my buttons just walking into a room! Ugh. He is insufferable. He skewered a child with his sword this morning. A child! Because that child was doing badly in training. What the hell kind of man is he? No. I know the answer to that. He's not a man, he's a literal animal in a man's skin, isn't he? That's what they've always told us, anyway. Isn't it?

But after meeting Drace Darkmore, I believe it, Sylv. I'm not sure he has any humanity in him. If he did, they killed it years ago. His deathly beauty is terrifying, but I can't stop thinking about it.

But I will. I'm going to. Because you don't want to hear me go on about the lieutenant for a hundred pages.

How is everyone? How are you feeling? Are you showing yet? Send my love you Mother, and keep plenty for yourself and baby.

All my love,

Laud x

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