chapter eight

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Jake is in a little restaurant called 'Taste of Italy: the steakhouse' next to school. His parents have rented out the entire place. A waitress walks over with their' drinks.

"Here you go, 1948 chateau wine, and a fanta for you young man. Your dishes will be coming up soon."

Jake takes a sip, there's alcohol in it. Of course, the waitress is Jake's friend, Bean from school. It's very tangy, with a bitterness kick to it.



Jake looks up from his drink to his mother clapping her hands.

"Okay sweetie lets get to it. The music competition. How did you lose?"

Straightforward, ouch.

"I don't really know mother, you know how these private school kids are. They're talent on another level, I'm lucky getting second place."

"So what you're saying is you're a complete failure, yes?"

Jake knows he's not a falifure. He's doing well in all his subjects, why shall he let his mother bully him? He stands up, "No, I am not. I tried my best and put my all into it, maybe if that plastic surgery didn't give you a permanent face tilt you'll finally see I'm a high scoring kid."

His mother scowls and clutches her wine glass tight. "You! You rascal!" She tries to get up but his father pulls her down. "Let me go! How dare this boy- this unfortunate mistake-"

Jake feels his goosebumps making a guest appearance. "What do you mean by that, mother?"

"Oh my! Now you seek my help?" 

"Help? How pathetic. All I asked was a question, surely you don't think you're that mighty to be helping people.

"My, oh my! You're quite the witty one aren't you? I suppose you don't remember much of your infant years, correct?"

"What does that prove? Nobody remembers most things from being a newborn, you're doing nothing but making a fool out of yourself."

She laughs like a maniac, making Jakey's father lose his grip. Right at this moment she pounces on Jake, dinner knife in hand. She punches him hard a few times, then using the knife.

 This is the end. Jake's lived a long life, he thought. Found friends and love. Only if that love could be here now, with him in his last moments. 

The knife punctures the side of Jake's stomach, pain searing all over. No matter what, he will not die on his knees infront of his mother. He will die in honor, forever above her.

The bleeding is intense but that's okay, aslong as he keeps standing there may be a chance. He will apologise to Leo-

And there he is, saving his damsel in distress. Leo prying his mother's fingers off Jake's arm and pushing her aside. Fin, Claire and Casey are helping hold Jake up. Bean is looking for something to stop the bleeding with. 

Fin gently puts him on the ground. "Hang on dude, the ambulance is coming. Luckily Bean told us to come."

Jake likes that. People that care about him. The light is looking fuzzy, far too bright. "Fin? Where are you?" He holds out a limp hand which Fin grabs.

"Hey dude, come on. We have mocks soon, don't wanna lose to Stewy do you?"

Jake wants to laugh, but it's too much. He wants to sleep, his head is heavy, slowly submerging underwater.

"What the sigma man? Stay awake." Fin wants to shake him but decides against it.

Fin's eyes.

Blue and concerned.

Replaces by brown eyes closing in on Jake.

Full of life, hid behind glasses.


is what Jake thought.

Black patches blurring Jake's vision, but his voice is persistent. 

Ever so reassuring.

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