May 13th, 2024, 9:00PM

2 1 0

Dear Diane,

Steph took the journal well! She thinks that it's awesome that I am taking my mental health seriously.

She also asked about the need for a journal, and if there's anything she can do to help, that I let her know.

So I did the rational thing, and trauma dumped on the way here.

So, yea. She knows about everything. I literally cried for an hour through the whole sob story, and she just drove and listened to me. She even got me ice cream when we got closer to Eureka. Then, when we parked, she turned to me, took my hand, and thanked me for being so honest with her.

I mean, my god, I almost kissed her right then and there. She was so kind and understanding. I think a part of me may be falling for her.

Well, she knows about almost everything.

I didn't have the heart to tell her about Oliver yet.

In other news, Eureka Springs is so cute! I think the last time I was here, I was like 10. We are staying at the crescent hotel, which is really a beautiful mixture of the original building from the 1800s and modern things, like the updated rooms and spa. There's ghost tours almost every day and the whole thing is a resort! Steph contacted the local ghost-hunters here and we have gotten permission from the hotel to do a full investigation with their equipment while I am here. It'll start at midnight tomorrow night and go until 4 in the morning!

We ate dinner at the pizza restaurant at the top of the hotel, and looked out over the beautiful mountains. I am taking a free tour tomorrow between naps to learn more about the history of the hotel. Steph said she will join me, but wants to see how much sleep we'll get tonight. Apparently we are staying in a haunted room and she is too excited about it to potentially sleep. I for one, sleep just fine around ghosts, apparently.

Well, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day. And night.

Goodnight, Diane 

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