22 ( Part- 01)

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Hello everyone! 🤠
Here is the next chapter of the story. I hope you all enjoy it! If you do, please vote and leave a comment.

The flashback of past events in Adyasha and Rishab's life.
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Happy reading!💖✨

Closing her eyes, she allowed her mind to drift back to a time when life held more brightness and hope. In those moments, she felt a glimmer of warmth amidst the darkness that surrounded her now.

Blast from the Past...! 💥


In the aftermath of her mother's untimely passing, young Antara found herself thrust into the role of a responsible older sister to her only brother, Ishaan.
Their visits to the park became a sacred routine, a sanctuary from the harsh realities that shadowed their home life.

Antara, now 14 years old, and Ishaan, 10 year old would often stroll through the verdant expanse together.

"Ishaan, don't wander too far while playing, and if you encounter any trouble, call for me, okay?" Antara's gentle voice carried a weight beyond her years.

"Didi, why don't you join me? Come on!" Ishaan's eyes sparkled with childlike wonder, imploring his sister to partake in the simple joys of play.

Antara gently declined, her weariness evident in the soft lilt of her voice.

"No, Ishu, I'm tired. You go ahead and have fun."

"Why are you always tired, didi?"

Ishaan's innocent question hung in the air, unanswered, as he bounded off to immerse himself in the playground's enchanting allure.

Antara managed a small smile as Ishaan disappeared from sight, but it quickly faded, replaced by a profound sadness that etched itself upon her delicate features.
Alone, sitting under the sheltering embrace of a towering tree, she couldn't help but dwell on the painful truth she couldn't share with Ishaan - the abuse they both endured at the hands of their father.
Forced to shoulder the burden of household chores and subjected to their father's relentless demands, Antara's young shoulders bore a weight far too heavy for her tender years.

What was she supposed to tell him? That their father was a real monster to his own daughter, never allowing her a moment's peace, breaking her into pieces with his cruelty?
That he ordered her to cook and clean the house, refusing to let her rest without payment? That he made her do all the household chores - cooking, washing clothes, and cleaning?
That he had torn their beloved Kirti from her job when Ishaan turned seven, though Kirti still visited Antara, sometimes helping her and teaching her many things behind their father's back.

Desperate for solace, she took out her phone and earbuds, slipping the buds into her ears to lose herself in the embrace of music.
Yes, she had a phone given by her father, but it was solely for Ishaan's safety.
It had been given to her after the incident when Ishaan fell ill while she was alone with him for two days.

Luckily, Kirti had visited and helped her. Since then, her father had insisted she keep the phone for emergencies, but Antara found little excitement in the device.
However, she acknowledged its usefulness, especially when facing difficulties with household chores.

And being a music lover, music became her solace, as she didn't have any real friends in her life.
Occasionally, her father would release his frustration on her, leaving the marks of belts upon her back.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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