Chapter 3

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K-unit was beyond pissed. Why them?! Why can't the other bloody units take in the SEALS? Oh yeah, that's right, they're the best unit! Wolf was grumbling under his breath and Eagle was bouncing around until suddenly the words 'play prank on them' slipped out of his mouth. Wolf stopped grumbling and looked at Eagle. "That is actually not a bad idea." He said and Eagle gasped in mock horror that his teamleader had just praised his idea. They all stood there shivering in the cold waiting for those damn SEALS to arrive. It's time to show them who's boss.
Alex slipped his bag under his bed and left as silent as he came. His bed was right where he likes it, against the wall for him to lean on and near a window for escape. Alex carried his laptop bag to the mess hall and started doing his work. It will be hours before its dinner time. Alex will be out of there by then. No need for dramatic entrances. Alex set up his laptop and took out the papers and started sorting them in order of importance. He'll want to finish the mission ASAP. Once he was done sorting them he read through the first mission. God. It's all crypt. Great. Just great. Just the thing I need to cure my migraine. Alex grumbled to himself. He read the crypt like it was a language. Which it was, for him. He always had good memory, almost rivalling photograph memories. It comes in very handy in his profession. The person whom they are dealing with wants someone intelligent to play a game with him and must win 5 games in a row. Trivia Crack. That game, seriously. That game takes a while. Alex sighed but pulled out his tablet to start working. (Trivia Crack is an iPad app)
Alex took his turn after entering the guy's user. Then he did all the other mission while waiting for the guy to take his turn. This guy! He is trying to test people's patience! Fine. If that's what he wants, I will wait. Alex mused as he added some notes in a different crypt here and there to confuse anyone who might find this file or steal this file from him. Alex finally finished the 5 other missions - hack into computer systems. Alex fell asleep waiting for the guy to finish his turn.

"Hurricane! Stop fooling around! Riptide, you can talk. Twister! Get your hands off Hurricane's neck!" Typhoon sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He wanted his team to look as efficient as possible. Hurricane is a sharpshooter and a hyperactive soldier. They all have no idea how he got into the SEALS whenever he is hyper. Riptide never talks, even if he does its lesser than three words. He's always quiet and they never knows how he actually feels. He is the medic of the team. Twister is the linguist with a pretty weird mind. He would suddenly ask weird questions that made people start wondering about life. Typhoon is the teamleader with a fiery temper. When they arrived, Hurricane whispered something. "That Hispanic man looks very grumpy."
"No sh*t! They have been waiting for us for at last half an hour! In this damn weather." Typhoon snapped.
"Chill your tits." Hurricane said before jumping off the jeep. "Why you!" Typhoon exclaimed and jumped off after him. "Welcome to Brecons Beacons. We're k-unit. The best unit in SAS. I'm Wolf, the teamleader. Eagle, our sharpsho-"
"Hiiii!!!" Eagle exclaimed in pure hyperness. "He is exactly like Hurricane." Twister whispered. "Oh sh*t." Was both units' reaction when the two suddenly bounced to each other after knowing both is the sharpshooter and both have lots and lots of energy. They could have been separated from birth! "Snake, our medic. Fox, our linguist."
"I'm Typhoon, the leader. Hurricane our sharpshooter and hyperactive knuckle head. Riptide, our medic. Twister, our linguist."
"Great. We have two hyperactive kids to deal with." Snake groaned as they lead the unit to the sergeant's office.
"Sir!" K-unit and the SEALS stood at attention in Tyler's office. "At ease, soldier!" Tyler barked as he stood and walked to the front of the soldiers. Tyler explained about the rules before dismissing them but not before telling K-unit the MI6 agent they are housing is already here.
"Great, just great! Another stranger. " Eagle whined. They gave the men a tour before entering the mess hall. "Holy..." Eagle said as he took a double take at the sleeping soldier and papers in neat piles on the table and a laptop open. "Who is-" the soldier woke up with a jolt, shutting the laptop down, and pulling out his gun from his waistband and pointing it at them in one swift movement. "Whoa, relax. Who are- CUB?!" Wolf exclaimed in shock. Alex blinked once before realising who they were. "Oh. Sorry." Alex said before putting the gun back into its holster. "Who is that? He looks too young to be here." Typhoon said, eying the kid who raised an eyebrow at them. Emotions voided of his face.
"This is Cub, fifth member of our unit." Wolf introduced.
"I am the MI6 agent the sarge said will be here." Alex said. "What?! Aren't you too young to be an agent?"
Alex just eyed them for another second before turning back to the tablet beside his laptop. "What are you doing?" Eagle yelled excitedly as he bounced towards Alex. Alex shifted to avoid the tackle. Then jumped up to avoid a leg swipe, he squatted on the chair as he tapped the screen, then turned around to grab Eagle's shirt before flipping him again. "Owwwwww!!" Eagle yelled in pain as he rolled around trying to reduce the pain. Alex held his rib casually as pain flared so that he doesn't alert their medics that he is injured. "Why are you playing a game?" Eagle asked as he peeked up from the ground at the tablet. "It's not, this supposed villain want the best MI6 agent to play Trivia Crack with him and to win 5 games in a row. If I win I get any information I want." Alex explained.
"I win." Alex said as he pushed the laptop open and pushed Eagle away from view before a video came on. A video chat. "Well well, the best agent of MI6 huh. You're pretty young."
"I take that as a compliment." Alex said in a slight German accent. "Aren't you suppose to be British?" Alex shrugged in response, he doesn't want the man to know which part of Britain he is from so it's safer to put up an accent rather than no accent at all as to confuse the man. "So what information do you want?" Alex's hands were moving on the keyboard but his eyes never left the man as to not draw attention to what he is doing. "What information do you have?" Alex asked carefully as he hacked into the man's computer to copy and erase everything. From what Alex has profiled, the man would store everything on the computer he uses. "From small petty criminals to Scorpia." Alex pretended to act surprise at the mention of a big terrorist organisation. "Scorpia?"
"Yes. Scorpia." The man said. "and?" Alex asked.
"And on the Alex Rider. The man who betrayed MI6 for Scorpia and is the best contract killer." Alex blinked once to hide his amusement. He got his information wrong. Alex Rider isn't a man, he is just a mere kid. A kid that is sitting right in front of him.
"You're right. Alex Rider is a contract assassin, an assassin that doesn't need to get out of bed to kill someone but what you got wrong is, he works for MI6. Thank you for your cooperation with MI6. Tata." Alex said and hit a button on his laptop, causing the man to scream as the computer exploded, setting everything on fire and killing him immediately. Alex hacked into the system and set the computer alight. Alex picked up his phone and said something in a language none of them knew before hanging up. He dialled MI6 and told them the mission is completed and the data is on their way to them.
"Is Alex Rider really that scary?" Hurricane asked. Alex shoot him an amused look. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you said he doesn't need to get out of bed to kill someone." Alex looked at him and his eyes darted to the laptop before shutting it. "Sort of. You guys wouldn't need to worry about him as he is on our side." Alex said with a shrug. It's amusing to be talking about himself in third person. He wouldn't exactly say he is a good guy. He has kill so many people. Alex was lost in his own thoughts as he packed up his papers. "Cub?"
"Yes?" Alex asked, snapping out of his thoughts. "Why are you here so early? Aren't you suppose to be here in a few days?" Eagle questioned. "Why is he here anyways? He's just a bloody kid! Where are his parents?! Did they abandon him here or did they do something wrong that they shipped him here?" Twister asked. "Hey. Don't disrespect him." Wolf growled. "Well, he better earn our respect to make sure he stays here." Wolf was about to retort when Alex stopped him. No fight between team members. Not especially now that they are a team, sort of. "It's okay." Alex said to Wolf. "But-"
"I can take care of myself." Alex said as he offered a rare emotion. His 'I have a plan' smirk. This is gonna be fun. Seeing their reaction to their best of the best.

Alex Rider: Back in Beacons with the SEALSWhere stories live. Discover now