Chapter Five: Entanglement

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Chapter 5

Maybe I had been wrong; it sure wouldn’t be the first time. It could have been a family member Nate had talked to on the phone last night. But then again, I would never even think about calling any relative of mine "babe." Ugh. I grimaced as I recalled the phone conversation that couldn't stop repeating in my mind.

I moaned as my head continued to palpitate. I couldn’t help but conjecture if his girlfriend was prettier than me. I pictured Nate with someone gorgeous, probably the cheerleader or valedictorian in high school. She was most likely now going on full scholarship to Stanford or somewhere like that. That’s what Nate’s type conveyed of. It wouldn’t bewilder me at all if I happened to be correct.

I had been turning through the pages of a magazine my mom had brought me. It was something about fashion. My mom had been worried about my appearance lately and brought it so I could “get some help or inspiration from the models.” I wasn’t exactly trying to portray a beauty queen while in a hospital, but my mom just didn’t get the picture.

Anthony was sitting on the other side of the room in his bed. He had been feeling debilitated lately, so he stayed in on most days. He was looking at his collection of baseball cards, which had to be his most prized possession. He seemed so proud when he showed me the stack of them earlier today.

I had been strangely depressed ever since Nate’s little announcement through the phone conversation that I had basically eavesdropped on. I think Anthony must have noticed as well.

“You know about her, don’t you?” He asked.

"Who?" I tried to cover up, but I knew Anthony wouldn't buy it. I didn’t know I was that readable. I automatically knew what he meant when referring to her

Anthony laughed, "Come on. I saw your face when he was on the phone with her last night." 

I shook my head, "You're so quiet I didn't even realize you were in the room." 

He shrugged, "So you do know about her then?" 

I sighed, "Yeah."

Anthony looked almost condoling about it. It was amazing how nine years old caught on to so much these days. How did he even figure it out all by himself? He was an intelligent kid, that was for sure.

“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve met her before. And Nate has told me stories about her and she’s so awful. Selfish and stuck-up, mostly cause she’s hot. But I keep telling Nate to go for someone more like you, Charlie. He just isn’t smart enough to realize it yet.”

It kind of made me feel better, except for the hot part. “Thanks, Anthony. But I don’t care if Nate has a girlfriend,” I lied, “I don't like Nate like that." 

"It was kind of strange when you first were admitted to the hospital. He had some weird obsession of wanting to see you get better. I thought he knew you personally at first, but then I realized you were just another patient. He's not usually like that, you know." 

I shrugged, "Maybe it was just my circumstance. He did say he likes miracles. Don't you kind of consider me one? I was the only one out of my friends to survive. I think I would say I am and that's probably why he seemed interested in me." 

"You'll understand someday, Charlie. Both of you will." 

I laughed, "I barely know him, Anthony! I don't think of him in a boyfriend kind of way anyways. He's just a nurse." 

“Why not, you guys would be great together,” Anthony said, smiling. I couldn’t agree more. But of course, I couldn’t just come right out and say that. Especially now that I knew Nate had some girlfriend.

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