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I sighed, finding that it was incredibly difficult to roll on to my side without feeling any pain. I always thought I would eventually return to the hospital, but not like this. Not as a patient! I had enough of that to last a lifetime. Probably more then enough.

Nurse Ella walked in, giving me some kind of pain medication. Thank goodness. All I felt was relief.

"How you feeling?" She asked, smiling.

"I'm alright. But a little more of that medication couldn't hurt." I joked.

Ella laughed, and said she wished she could, but wouldn't want to overdose.

I guess I should have known this was coming though. I looked around the room, seeing the plain, stark white walls that confined me.

I smoothed down the hospital gown covering me, and folded the blue blanket down. Although it was in the middle of January, I was still burning hot.

"Do you think you can get me something to eat?" I begged, now aware of my hunger. I had slept for a long time, and just woken up. I was finally noticing how starving I was.

 "Of course I will." She said, before exiting.

"Thanks!" I called after, but I think it was too late. Oh well.

It was like nothing had changed. Although, I was in a different room, all the rooms were practically identical to each other. And I was on a different floor, but I never went out of the room and in to the hallways anyway.

Nate walked in, smiling and laughing on his cell phone. He sat down on the chair in front of me, crossing his legs, and leaning back lazily.

I smiled just at the sight of him. I loved him.

He closed the phone, and looked up at me. "Hey, hun. How are you?"

I shrugged, "All good. Who were you talking to on the phone just then?"

"Oh, that was Lindsay. Lizzie and Lindsay are taking over the foundation."

My eyes widened, "They are!? Nate, why are you giving it up? I thought you loved doing it!"

"It was becoming a lot of work. And especially now, I'm going to be really busy. Lindsay and Lizzie will be great, don't you think?"

"Of course they will be. Did you invite her here?" I asked.

"Her and Jeff are going out tonight, but she said she would be here first thing tomorrow." He explained.

"Oh..." I sighed. Ever since Lindsay met Jeff at med school, they could be handcuffed together and wouldn't even know the difference.

I understood though. Lindsay was studying there longer then my requirement, so after I left, I guess she needed someone for a replacement.

I was graduated, and she was going longer. I had to admire that.

"You feeling okay?" Nate asked, eyeing me now.

"I'm fine, Nate!" I laughed, "Seriously, stop asking!"

He chuckled, and leaned over to kiss my forehead. It reminded me of a year ago, when Nate and I went to the lakehouse the night I graduated med school.

The same night where we rented the row boat, and crossed the entire perimeter of the lake. We just laid in it, looking at the stars, unanchored.

The same night, Nate got down on one knee, and put a beautiful, shiny silver ring on my finger.

Beat Of My HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora