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After cleaning a good amount of chocolate off ourselves in the upstairs bathroom, Nate and I walked back down downstairs with the rest of group waiting for us. I felt nervous about Skyler's whereabouts, she can't go to her apartment, I just hope she's somewhere safe.

Chaeyoung was already passed out on the bottom steps of the stairs, cuddling a pillow and leaning on the wall. Billie was right next to her adorably cuddling Chaeyoung.

Eunji sat behind them, tapping her screen, probably texting Skyler. "Where did she go?" I asked Eunji from behind her, she jumped and turned around looking startled. "S-she told me she's busing back to her mom's house." Feeling satistfied I quickly went back to being pissed at her. My eyes filled to brim with tears, "How could Skyler do this to me?" I couldn't hold any more tears and cried into Eunji's shoulder. "This makes me wonder, like is this how she feels about me? Does she hate me now?" Eunji slowly stroked my hair. "No no honey, sometimes when people hold back their feelings, they end up releasing in an ugly way. She has been holding back those feelings for a while." I cried harder, knowing this is all because of us breaking up. I should've stood up for myself, I should've told my mom to fuck off and left the house.

Nate disappeared into the crowd nowhere to be seen. "I can't let my mother see me like this. Could I spend the night at your place?" Eunji nodded.

"...Now?" I urged.

Eunji looked down at me with her brows raised, "Now? Aren't you gonna tell Nate?" I shrugged off her question, "I'll text him now." As I did so, Eunji gathered some other people she came in with, as well as Jisung and Baby. We soon entered the car, and Eunji dropped everyone off until it was me, Jisung and Baby in the car.

"How are you feeling hun?" Eunji asked, stopping at a stoplight. "Awful, I have no idea how to feel. I'm so confused. I'm beyond pissed at Skyler but I still have feelings for her, but I have a boyfriend who I also have very strong feelings for."

Eunji hummed, "I don't know what to say Chili. I guess you have to give this some time. This is how it is during a break up. You'll still feel feelings for that person, but after some time, after some good thought, you'll be over it. It's gonna be alright Chili, I know it." I subconsciously smiled when Eunji called me by my old nickname.

After washing up and settling into Eunji's bed (which she lovingly gave over to me), my phone buzzed. It was Skyler.

(xxx-xxx-xxxx) : so you've completely gotten over and forgot about me?

me : if you let me explain myself maybe you'd understand

me : my mom and nate's mom set us up together, neither of us had no say in this, but hey stuff happens skyler, i'm not about to marry him, we just met.

(xxx-xxx-xxxx) : i see. whatever,

me : can you please get off your high horse? idk why you're acting like this. who was the one covered me and nate in chocolate?

me : i know you're upset abt us breaking up. i am too. but you don't see me being a complete jerk abt it.

me : you hav absolutely no respect for me or nate. to the point where you have no issue covering us in chocolate in front of everyone

me : you haven't even apologized to me for what happened tonight!

Me : are you serious?? i wasn't the one who made the decision to leave you, it was my mother.

me : you're a fucking asshole skyler.

me : if you're so upset abt this go talk to someone bc i'm not gonna be your punching bag.

me : neither is nate.

me : goodnight.

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