Chapter 42~ That Crazy Witch

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Chapter 42~ crazy witch

I walked inside the dark cell slowly and looked around, the door closed behind me and I took a deep breathe standing there.

"Well I feel special. The Luna has granted me with her presence" I heard in the corner of the room. Sarafina growled lowly glaring in her direction.

"To what do I own this.. Pleasure" she hissed out, "I want to talk about my mate" I said and heard chains jerk against the wall. She growled angrily "he's mine" she yelled, "I'm going to ask you some questions and your going to answer me"

"And why the fuck would I do that?" She spat, "trust me. Just answer it and you won't get hurt" I said making her laugh. "What are you going to do? Slap me like the little bitch you are?" She snickered making me smirk.

She stepped out the darkness glaring at me with hard eyes, I held my head high staring back at her. "Do you know that he's in a coma?" I asked

"Coma? Is that what you people are calling it?" She chuckled "just answer the fucking question" I snapped making her smile. "Yes. I do know"

"What is wrong with him?"

"I don't have to tell you anything" she said looking at me up and down in disgust.

I tensed feeling Sarafina begging to take over 'let me have her' she growled.


She smirked taking over standing up more straight, "I'm going to ask again. What is wrong with him?" Sarafina asked walking closer, "I'm not scared of you" the witch snorted.

I gasped as Sarafina grabbed her by the neck slamming her against the wall growling deeply, "you should be" she said darkly.

The witch smirked at me trying to get the chains off her, "can you wake him up?"

"I can. But I won't. Not until you're gone" she said making sarafina tighten her grip. The witch snorted clenching her jaw, she gulped frowning as Sarafina made her hand heat up.

'Don't you dare kill her' I said as she was trying to make the fire form.

She ignored me tightening her grip and smirk as the witch gasped for air struggling. "You are going to wake him up" Sarafina growled making the chains get on fire.

The witch screamed as the metal burned into her skin, "Stop!" She cried out. "I'm sorry what? You're asking me to stop? Why should I? Mason begged you to stop but you never listened so why the hell should I listen to you?!" Sarafina roared making the witch whimper.

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" She screamed in pain, Sarafina let her go making her fall to the ground gasping for air coughing. "How does it feel to be choked?" Sarafina smirked tilting her head.

"You crazy bitch!" She yelled

"I'm not as crazy as you" sarafina chuckled humorlessly. The witch sat up coughing and glared at me "You will wake him up-"

"I need to be in the same room as him" she muttered, "very well then" Sarafina said grabbing the chains off the wall heating them up "ah!" The witch cried out "try to escape and you'll be in more pain then you feel now" sarafina growled.

'Jesus can you get any more crazy?' I yelled

Shut up!

"Get up!" Sarafina snapped pulling at the chain making her cry out. She crawled on the floor standing up glaring at me, sarafina knocked on the door pushing it open and the guard stood there nervously. "We're going for a little trip" Sarafina said yanking at the chains making the witch whimper.

They moved out the way and Sarafina practically dragged the witch behind her pulling her upstairs. "You are so going to pay for this" the witch growled

"We'll see" sarafina said pulling her in the house and towards Mason's room. The guard sat up quickly "Luna? She can't come-"

"Move. Now" sarafina growled darkly, he bowed his head moving out the way and yanked the chains making her stumble in.

The witch growled looking up and looked at Mason, "do it. Now" Sarafina growled. The witch glared at me and Sarafina growled darkly making me whimper.

I've never seen her act like this. She was never this dark before nor has she ever caused harm against someone before.

The witch stood up going to Mason's body and looked at him, "where was he stabbed at?" She asked "his stomach" Sarafina said watching her closely standing behind her.

She sniffled putting her hand on his stomach making us growl lowly, "I have to touch it" she muttered "just do it".

She growled looking at Mason sleeping and closed her eyes, I frowned listening to her whispering quietly in a different language.

I couldn't make out exactly what she was saying, I saw a red light form under Mason's skin going down to his stomach and glowed under her hand. She inhaled deeply then yanked her hand back, she slowly turned to me with hard eyes "it's done. He should wake up soon" she muttered glaring at me.

"Good" I said and the door busted open making me look, "Jordyn what the hell are you doing?!" Evan yelled wide eyed making Sarafina growl.


He was cut off by being thrown against the wall, sarafina growled loudly going to grab the witch but she threw me against the wall hard. "You have some nerve! You think you can control me?! You have no idea what you're getting yourself into you little bitch" She spat grabbing my neck.

"What are you gonna do huh? Stab me?" Sarafina growled, "I should kill you myself!" She yelled holding me by the hair slamming my hand down to the floor.

"Do it! Nobody's stopping you" sarafina spat in her face, she grabbed her neck with her hand setting on fire making the witch scream loudly.

I screamed loudly feeling something stab my side, "you're right. Nothing is stopping me!" She growled twisting a knife inside of me.

Where the hell did she get a knife?!

She pinned my hands down growling and dug the knife in deeper making me scream. "Whose screaming now?!" She yelled holding my hair.

She gasped as a hand covered her neck from behind tight, she let me go trying to get the arm off her gasping loudly. I shivered hearing the most deepest growl I've ever heard.

"You will be"

"No! NO!" She screamed in fear, I yelped as her throat ripped apart making the blood go all over me, I covered my face screaming and heard her body land on the floor with a loud thud.

I panted spitting out the blood shaking and looked up seeing Mason standing there with glowing eyes.

"M-Mason" I whispered wide eyed.

He walked to me quickly and I laid my head back touching the knife. I yanked it out quickly "No! God damn it" be growled grabbing me.

I gasped loudly at the Sparks making me smile, Mason.

He's here.

He's awake.

He's okay.

"Stay with me kitten" he said making me close my eyes smiling "Mason" I whispered grabbing his arm. He pressed his hands on my side making me cry out. I shut my eyes tightly falling into the darkness...


'God damn it!' Sarafina muttered before blanking out.

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