Hooked Onto Danger

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Ok, so here's the beginning of my new story. Hoping for the best! It'll get good:3 comment below, I will be taking ideas and suggestions, give me ur opinion, please please vote and if wanna, please fan!!:p


    My heartbeat was loud and erratic as it seemed to echo in my ears at the same pace the soles of my feet hit the matted forest floor.

    I heard Jack slowly go from two feet to four paws as he exploded in the air and landed on the forest floor beside me, passing me up and taking the lead. Sydney was somewhere very far behind us. But, this wasn't teamwork anymore, as I had said at the beginning of our journey. We each had to do everything we could to keep ourselves alive... every man--and woman--out for themselves. With those... things hot on our trail, there was no time for stopping, no time for coming up with a plan, no time to even check if the people behind us were still alive. It was now or never, and if you didn't run, you would never be able to again.

    I knew those mutants were ten times faster than me, but I was ten times smarter. With that being said, I knew I could figure out a way to beat them at their own little game. If I only knew what they were thinking.

     One big mistake, one stupid decision, had led us here. Had led us to death.

    Realization hit me that there was no turning back, no such thing as a teammate anymore.

    I was on my own. I was on my own, and if I didn't think up a plan, and quick, I would die. No doubt about that.

    I forced my legs to move quicker as Jack disappeared into the woods ahead of me.

    Far behind me, I heard a tortured shriek...

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