Chapter Seventeen- Life For Death

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~Authors Note~ Hey Everybody! Thank you for reading!:) Please vote, if you like it, and comment! I really want to know your thoughts on this story!! And, if you really really like it, I'd uber enjoy some fans:)) Thank you! Please enjoy!


  When I woke, my eyes still closed, I was confused. Majorly confused. Why was the ground so hard? Where was Jack? Why did I hear four unfamiliar male voices?! I started packing, especially when I noticed I was tied up. I popped my eyes open, looking around desperately, breathing erratically. 


  I had forgotten all that had happened the previous night, forgotten that I was now a captive. A hostage. 

  I was now bait. 

  Fear overtook me, and I laid my head down against my knees. I would’ve laid my head in my hands like I normally did, but they were numb, tingling, asleep tied up behind my back. Tremors rolled through me, making me breathe unevenly. If they allured Jack here and... killed him... what would they do with Sydney and I? Would they feel the need to... dispose of us? Or would they just let us go? I fervently wished it would be option number two, but I highly doubted it. We were part of their world now. Who knew, maybe they’d kill us simply because we were a threat to their kind. A liability. 

  I sighed unintentionally, and Max glanced away from his conversation with Drobniak to look at me. 

   “Oh, good!” he celebrated, walking over to me. “You’re awake!” 

   “Yes. I’m awake.” I answered sourly. He turned to a sleeping Sydney, kicking her in the gut. 

   “Ouch!” she protested, immediately snapping out of sleep and leaning forward with an expression of pain on her face.

   “Oh, goody, you’re awake too!” he exclaimed, obvious fake enthusiasm in his voice. He shot Sydney a threatening glare before kicking Matthew, sleeping beside us, and turning on his heels to return to Drobniak. 

   “Ugh,” Matthew groaned beside us, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. 

   “Tell me about it.” Syd mumbled. I was still staring after Max, in shock of how he aroused his brothers... And Sydney. How in the hell was he still alpha? Why didn’t they overthrow him, like Jack had mentioned possible? It seemed wrong that a bastard like Max could have so much power over teenage boys. Teenage boys! And now, here he was, holding two innocent, unarmed girls hostage so he could trick one of his pack members into dying. I felt like I had to warn Jack, but how on earth could I do that? I mean, I was tied to a frickin’ tree! 

   “Matthew!” Max snapped, “Untie them. I have a plan for today.” 

  “Now,” Max said slowly. We had relocated to a different clearing, closer to Jack, apparently, since he was on the run, going crazy looking for me and Sydney. I was being held down by Josh, Sydney being held down by Matthew, and I was grinding my teeth, irritated. 

   “Repeat it again. What are you going to say to get Jacks attention and lead him here?” Max demanded. I glared in disgust, huffing through my nose before speaking. 

   “Help me, Jack,” I started quoting dryly. “They’ve got me and Sydney. They’re hurting us, Jack. And if you don’t get here soon, they’ll kill us.” 

   “Good!” he congratulated me, smiling. 

   “But just so you know,” I continued, not according to script. “this is a scam. He’s trying to lure you in so he can kill you, Jack, just stay away, stay far away! Don’t trust this lying, cheating, sick, twisted, disgusting son of a bitch!” I spat. 

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