He's My Dork {2}

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                “I love you.”

                “I love you too.”

                I mentally groaned as I watched Colin and Ant start kissing again. They pulled away and smiled at each other.

                “Maybe if I bang my head on the table hard enough, I’ll die,” I said thoughtfully, eyeing on the table.

                “Then you won’t get dinner tonight,” Emma said, quiet so that only I could hear her.

                “Shut up Emma,” I said, weighing my options. Dinner with Misha, or killing myself so that I didn’t have to watch my brother make-out with the guy I had been infatuated with for years?

                Sigh. Life could be so complicated sometimes.

                “Are we making you uncomfortable Collie?” Ant asked with a frown.

                “No, no. Please continue eating each others’ faces. I love watching that while I’m trying to eat my lunch,” I said.

                “Sorry, sorry,” Colin said with a sigh as Ant crawled off of his lap back into his own seat.

                “Collie, are you going to come hang out with us at my house today?” Ant asked eagerly.

                I shook my head. “No can do Ant. I was going to look for some shorts at the clothes store and then meet up with a friend for ice cream. Speaking of which, Colin can you drop me off at the clothes store afterschool?” I asked.

                “That depends. Who are you meeting at the ice cream shop?” he asked suspiciously.

                I smirked. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

                “Aw, just let him go Colin!” Emma said, laughing as she watched us. “If he’s meeting up with some mystery guy, then so be it. But maybe he really is just meeting up with a friend.”

                Ah, Emma to my rescue. Maybe the fact that she still had feelings for me could come in handy.

                Then again, maybe she’d get so jealous of her brother that she’d sell me out to Colin. Jeez, girls were so unpredictable. No wonder I was gay.

                “Fine,” Colin said with a sigh.

                We waited until the bell rang and I went off to class with Ant. We sat down next to each other and he turned to face me, his usual bright smile on his face.

                “Are you meeting up with your mystery man?” he asked.

                I nodded. “Yep. But don’t tell my brother. I don’t need Colin stalking me while I’m trying to hang out with someone,” I said.

                Ant held out his pinky to me. “I won’t tell Colin! Pinky promise.”

                I wrapped my pinky around his. “Good.”

                I eyed Ant carefully and mentally sighed. Colin was beyond lucky to be with a guy as amazing as Ant.

                He was so honest and loyal. Such a bright and bubbly person, even when he was depressed. He loved to make other people smile.

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