He's My Dork {4}

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                I cracked my eyes open and looked at the nightstand in front of me. The alarm clock on it announced that it was only eight in the morning.

                I tried to move, but realized that there were arms around my waist. I craned my neck and smiled softly.

                “So you are a cuddler, huh?” I said quietly.

                Misha was sound asleep, his arms around me. His body  was curled up with my body comfortably.

                I turned in his arms so that I was facing him. He made a little grunting noise and snuggled his head against my neck.

                I slung an arm over him and closed my eyes, wishing I could fall back to sleep. I could hear someone making their way towards Misha’s room, and decided to pretend I was still asleep. If it was Emma and she saw me awake, she might wake Misha up. I didn’t want to move from this position.

                Misha’s bedroom door creaked open slowly. I could hear Mrs. Redner cursing under her breath at the creaking.

                “No,” she whispered to someone. “The boys are still asleep.”

                “Was I right? Did Misha cuddle Collie?” Emma asked. I could imagine her poking her head into the room.

                “Sh! Emma, they’re still asleep. And leave your brother alone,” Mrs. Redner said, quiet but stern.

                Emma started laughing a little. “I was right! I totally called it! Misha cuddled Collie in his sleep,” she said triumphantly. “That’s so adorable, but so embarrassing for Misha!”

                “Emma Marie Redner! Stop watching the boys sleep. Come on before you wake them up,” Mrs. Redner said with a sigh. The door creaked shut a second later, cutting off Emma’s protests.

                I opened my eyes and watched Misha as he slept. Oh god. I’m turning into a freaking Twilight character. Next thing I know, I’m going to be sparkling and imprinting on infants.

                I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I sat in comfortable silence, curled up with Misha. After about an hour, Misha let out a light moan and blinked his eyes open.

                “Collie?” he asked sleepily. His eyes widened as he realized he was cuddling with me. “Oh my god. I cuddled you in my sleep, didn’t I?” He groaned loudly and tried to pull himself away from me.

                I placed my hand on his lower back and held him where he was. I looked into his eyes and shook my head at him.

                “Don’t move. Not yet. I don’t want to get out of bed yet,” I said.

                Misha nodded and laid back down with me. He pulled me closer to himself, and I rested my head on his chest.

                “Take your time to figure out your feelings Collie. I don’t want you to regret anything. I’m happy as long as I’m with you, even if we’re not in a relationship,” he said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

                I nodded since I didn’t have anything to say to that. Misha laughed at me as my stomach growled loudly.

                “Time to get out of bed,” he said, sitting up and pulling me with him.

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