Part One | 53

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Chapter 53

Breaking the Break

Seeing my friends back in New York definitely calmed me. Listening to their opinions, however, was a bit tough. I thought things would get better afterwards, but they didn't.

After three days, nearly four weeks of not seeing Collie, I simply couldn't take it anymore. I had called her over and over and texted her time and time again and she did not answer.

I thought about it every day, trying to force myself to believe that if she was pregnant, she'd immediately tell me, but I knew that she wouldn't keep from talking to me for this long.

None of it made sense.

I climbed out of bed around 11:30 at night and drove to Collie's house simply because I couldn't stand it. I tried to focus on the road, but the anxiety inside of me was making it difficult. When I reached her house, I texted her and called her, but of course, there was no reply so I hopped out and stood under her window, tossing pebbles at her balcony. There was no way I was going to walk up there and make unnecessary noise and get called on by the police because her parents see a strange male out in their backyard.

It took maybe ten minutes for her to finally slowly open her door.

"Who's there?" she whispered.

"Me!" I quietly tried to shout. "Brayden!"

"Brayden?" she repeated, walking over to the edge of the balcony, peering down at me. "Oh my God! What are you doing here?!"

"I had to see you."

"Brayden! It's midnight!"

I shook my head, getting angry. I was well aware it was midnight.

"Collie, just come down here! If your parents see me, they'll-"

She frustratedly walked down the stairs, making the unnecessary loud noises I tried so hard not to make.


She wore a black, long sweater with flannel pants and a white tank top. Her hair was loosely curled, but she wasn't wearing any makeup. Why did she do her hair?

"What is this about?"

"I know, Collie, okay?"

Her face fell and in the dim backyard lighting, I thought I could see her face drain of all color. "What? You know?"

I sighed. So it's true.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, rocking slightly. "Yeah... I do."

She closed her eyes as her lip quivered. "Brayden, I'm so sorry. I was going to tell you-"

"I've been going crazy, Collie. You won't answer my texts, my calls, nothing! What are we going to do? What can we do? It's both our faults."

"I know it is, but Brayden-"

"I mean we both know money isn't an issue, but still! It'll be so hard! Well, money will be an issue if something happens with your parents. I still haven't told mine. I'm sure they'll be accepting of it later."


"I'll be there, though, okay? I'll be there every second. If you need to, you can move in."


"I won't be like my real parents, okay? I'll get a job, a good one. I'll buy clothes for him and a crib. I can save up!" I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hair. "I'll even drop out of Constance to help you for the first few months."

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