Part One | 32

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Chapter 32


Returning home after mine and Collie's "date," Melissa tried to talk to me, but I resisted and told her I was fine. I didn't want to talk about my mom, mostly because I knew what would be discussed. I'd have to talk about my feelings. I already do that with Dr. Johnson, and saying it all once is enough.

The next morning, Ursa and I headed to school. I was feeling much better now that things were out in the open. I wasn't getting any questions yet, which was nice. It made me wonder why I kept it a secret so much in the first place. But I knew why. I wanted to be seen as a normal kid. I've come to realize that'll never happen.

Living a lie never works.

I was listening to Michael Jackson on my phone while Ursa talked to Brody. He seemed to be extra flirtatious today, telling Ursa how pretty she was and how he wished they were in more classes together. I laughed silently, secretly eavesdropping. I knew Ursa didn't like him back, but it was funny to hear the awkward responses she'd give him.

When we got to Constance, I was in the middle of my favorite song. I had to pause it, much to my dismay, and leave the bus. I just barely entered the school and reached half-way to my locker when I caught sight of Grady leaning down and picking up a whole bunch of papers he must've dropped. I frowned and went towards him.

He hadn't looked up at me still, so I bent down and began helping him. Finally, he glanced my way. Rolling his eyes, he began picking them up faster. When we collected them all, we both stood up. I nervously handed them to him.

"Thanks," he muttered before attempting to hurriedly walk away, but I called to him before he could.

"Wait, Grady..."

He stopped, annoyed.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets. "I just... You know, I wanted to say sorry."

He put his weight on the other foot, leaning towards the left. "For what?"

"Everything," I replied quickly. "Everything I've done to you. Leaving you out, hanging out with Andrew and Colleen more. You know... All of it."


This was a lot harder than I thought. "I, uh, was hoping we could hang out. Like, before all this." I looked around me. I wasn't sure what I was implying, but he didn't seem confused.

"I'm not your beck and call whenever something bad happens to you and your friends turn out to suck, Brayden." He put air quotes around the word friends.

"I know, Grady, and I'm sorry."

"No, you don't know. You were the only friend I had at this school. Everyone else? They don't even notice me, and if they do, they go out of their way to put me down." He waited for a second. "But you didn't. I thought you were my friend, Brayden, but the second you got with Colleen Mathers-"

"I know, Gray. It was wrong of me. But it's going to change. I'm not friends with Andrew anymore."

"But you're still dating Collie."

"'Course I am."

Grady kept a cold, long stare at me before sighing. "Alright. I guess I forgive you."

I beamed. "You do?"

He nodded. "Yeah. You're not that bad."

I smiled and the two of us made our way to our first class.


I waited for Collie to exit her class so that she and I could walk to lunch together. She smiled once she spotted me leaning against a locker. Coming towards me, she put her hand on mine.

Splinters: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now