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After figuring out the dirt road we were on was 'the path of frozen hearts' we kept walking until the forest turned into flat unkept grasslands. "Now what?" Bell asked looking around at complete nothing like the rest of us.

"Look around maybe there is something here to help us." Ryden commanded. "This would be easier if there was something magical guiding us." Landon muttered.

"What did you expect neon billboards saying 'this way'?" I smirked at Bell's response to Landon's complaining. "Besides, Landon, we are magical." Ryden said making me shake my head while saying, "No we're categorized as supernatural."

"Keyword: Super." Bell said smirking and holding up her fist not even looking at me. "Heck yeah." I fist bumped her before we turned walking away leaving the guys behind in our awesomeness, and weirdness.

Soon after we all spilt in different directions searching for anything out of the ordinary. After several minutes of not finding anything I walked back towards Bella but tripped over something.

Picking it up I realized it was a bone a large bone, preparing to throw it away Ryden came up behind and stopped me. "Nicole let me see that." I watched as he studied it before looking back at me with pride and surprise.

"This bone belongs to one of the first lycan's. In the beginning of werewolf history there were two types of werewolves, regular and lycan, the lycan's were twice as big as the regular wolves and the same went for their strength. Legend has it the lycans had magic in their very blood but I don't know what was here when this lycan die-"

He was interrupted by Bell yelling for us and Landon to come see whatever she had found. When we got close she pointed out the grass was significantly shorter and all the ruble scattered in the small circle.

"I think someone might have lived here before their house was destroyed." Bell concluded. "I don't understand why would the path lead us here." Ryden spoke giving me an idea.

"Bell come on we're taking a nap." I said drawing everyone's confused gazes. "There's someone we haven't seen for a awhile." I said causing a smile to spread across her face.

Minutes later Bell and I were laying side by side with Ryden and Landon watching over us. Soon we closed our eyes hoping that my plan would work. When I opened my eyes I looked over to Bell and shook her until she woke up. We were once again surrounded by forest.

"It didn't work." I said glumly. "What makes you think that?" Came the voice I was wanting to here. "Lunar!" Bell shouted jerking me to my feet. "Hello girls, not that I am complaining, but why have you come to me?"

"We found The Great Prophecy but we're lost. We got as far as the path of frozen hearts but," I started unable to explain our problem. "But it lead you to an empty clearing scattered with old lycan bones and a destroyed house."

She said with a sad tone. "What do you two remember about The Freat Prophecy?" "Everything, why?" Bell said. "What came after the path of hearts?" "To the birth right of the true descendant of the first."

"Come let me show you something." She led us over to the small river before waving her hand over it, creating an image of the grassland we were just in but had two little boys running around and a beautiful little house. A man came out of the house and walked over to the woman, watching her children play, and wrapped his arms around her.

Everything was peaceful so I looked over to Lunar but her pained look and strayed tears made me look back. The man was holding the woman but let go of her and ran to the woods when a battle horn sounded. The woman led her kids to a bush beside the house where they were completely hidden.

A group of men came out dragging the man. The woman went to her knees in front of the leader begging but the man broke free and shifted into a giant white wolf with blue tribal symbols and bit four other men and women who fell to the ground with convulsions. The leader shot the wolf and turned as the others killed the woman.

As they were walking away the people who had been attacked shifted into wolves and killed the human group before sniffing out the little boys and taking them into shelter. Soon the image started to sped up, the once beautiful house decayed and the grass grew untamed and wild. The images stopped at a clearing several miles away.

Carved in the ground with what looked like gold was a system of veins starting at two ends and meeting in the middle. The gold slowly turned to mud to dirt to dust, blowing away uncovering a bright blue sword but that was all we saw before the water turned back to normal.

"That man, he was your mate wasnt he?" I asked watching Lunar who had tears running freely down her face. "He was, I loved him dearly but he was taken away from me too soon."

"Thats what the prophecy spoke about, that clearing was the place of the first werewolves but what was the birth right of the true descendant?" Bell asked Lunar.

"The sword you saw was the birth right, hurry you must get it before Jameson does. Go I will see you two later farewell and good luck." Was the last thing we heard before we fell asleep. Finally my eyes snapped open and I shot to my feet causing Ryden to spin around alarmed.

"Nicole we have to go now." Bell said from behind me. "Agreed." After explaining everything to Landon and Rydan we arrived hours later at the site with the maze of veins carved in the ground. Landon and Rydan shifted digging through layers of mud dirt and dust until finally we hit something, the sword.

"You did well, brother. Too bad it will end here, you can die trying to save your love, Nicole, or you fight me for revenge, after all your father is dead because of me." Jameson spoke stepping out of the shadows to reveal the black sword at his hip to match the black monster above our heads that had the body of a dragon made of smoke, flying down capturing Bell, Landon and me within its claws.

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