War Blood.

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Am I the only one who thinks this picture is adorable? Werewolf relationship goals!
"So nice of you to join us Luna Nicole." Taylor sneered. "No one touch her she's mine." I said. Before I even knew what was happening I was on top of Taylor repeatedly punching her in the face until there was blood coating my fist. I barely registered Ryden fighting Jameson, Landon fighting Kia, and Bell easily fighting the five guys as Taylor's knees came up and hit me throwing me onto my back.

She took that as her chance to straddle me and punch my gut until I wanted to throw up. I finally gathered my bearings enough to smash my elbow aginst Taylor's cheek making a nasty cut on her fake lips. We both staggered trying to stand up, our eyes met for a few seconds before she threw two punches at my jaw and stomach that I blocked before ducking and swinging my leg out pulling her feet out from under her.

I had prepared to kick her head when she grabbed my foot and twisted it breaking my ankle. I screamed out before falling to the ground. Taylor stood over me smirking at her victory. "How do you expect to be a Luna if you can't even defend yourself? Your a weak, pathetic, orphan excuse of a werewolf."

Then she made the worst possible mistake: she turned her back on her opponent. Letting Scarlett take over my body I snapped my ankle back in place and quickly stood up ignoring the pain. Taylor spun around shocked I was standing ready for another round. "Never turn your back on your enemy, unless they're dead."

I caught the fist she threw at me and twisted it until I heard a crack and a cry of pain. I punched her throat effectively shuting her up as she gasped for air. After punching her stomach she lurched forward cradling her stomach as I grabbed her head and crashed it on my knee. She stumbled trying to stand up and looked at me with pure rage before I jumped up and round house kicked her head making her crumple to the ground out cold.

Finnishing the job with a powerful blow to her chest, stopping her heart, I looked over at Bell who had several bodies laying around her and many more fighting her. Jumping into the fray I smashed in the temple of the man trying to attack Bells unguarded back. We kept fighting for who knows how long, every person killed two replaced him if Bell and I didnt end this soon we would lose.

Finally the last man was killed by Landon tackling him and snapping his neck. "Landon is Kia dead?" "Yes but we have bigger problems." I turned my head over to where Ryden had been and saw him in wolf form circling a pure grey wolf I assumed was Jameson. At the edge of the forest line was an army of chocolate brown wolves that I knew was Rydens pack and the other side was an army of sandy blonde wolves that was Jameson's pack and I was standing in between the two armies.

My hearing muted as time seemed to stop, I could only watch in slow motion as the two packs rushed towards each other, blood and bodies that I couldn't help but feel were fighting because of me. Then I heard a howl of pain that made my heart stop, when I turned around I saw the grey wolf, Jameson, lunging at me but was body slammed by a black wolf, Ryden.

Jameson recovered first first, walking over to Ryden he leaned down and clamped his jaws around Ryden's neck. Screaming I ran to my mate and cradled his soft furry head in my lap. "Please don't leave me alone, I love you. I love you." The bone chilling laugh to my left caused my head to snap towards the man responsible for the whimpering wolf in my lap.

"Why are you doing this Jameson?" "Because my life was hell thanks to him, its time he finds out what thats like." Before I could respond he shifted into his wolf and slowly stalked toward me. Gently moving Ryden's head I shifted and prepared to fight Jameson. I stood protectively in front of Ryden growling with my hackles raised and adrenalin pumping through my veins.

Jameson lunged at me trying to bite my neck but I raised up on my hind legs and raked my nails down his snout drawing blood. He snarled at me before snapping at my paw and ripping the skin away, showing the muscles. I howled in pain before mind linking Bell through our bond asking for help.

Trying to stall I latched on to his shoulder and jerked until a chunk of his fur, skin and muscle came off in my mouth. He roared before slamming into my side throwing me to the ground and breaking a few ribs. He stood over me saliva, blood and foam dripping from his fangs. Seconds before he could kill me he bellowed his pain as Ryden dug his teeth into Jameson's back and shook his head.

Bell arrived just after Jameson and Ryden started fighting again. Ryden fought hard but Jameson was too dirty. Before I could stop it another wolf jumped on Ryden's back, clawing at his neck that was already gushing blood. The second wolf was pinning Ryden to the ground while Jameson circled around him preparing for an easy kill.

I felt my heart speed up to a pace humans would have died from. Even if I ran as fast as I could I wouldn't make it to Ryden's side in time to save him. I could only watch as Jameson toyed with Ryden scratching his cheek enough to drawing blood. "Nicole I have a plan." I could only hope this plan of hers would work if it didn't I would lose my mate.

Ryden would die, Jameson would possibly take over the pack and do who knows what. This plan had to work, there was too much at stake for it not too.

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