Cast of Characters

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Earl Walker has given up: on God, on the world, on himself. A resident of Candlewick Retirement Community in Mt. Hermit, Kentucky, Earl hasn’t left his wheelchair since a bullet put an end to his career as a bus driver. In the years following the death of his beloved wife, Barbara, Earl has been alone. And he prefers it that way.

College student Jenny Hutton is determined to bring Earl out of his shell. A member of New Love Fellowship Church, Jenny sees it as her spiritual duty to reach out and help the old man see his need for God and the world.

The Victim and the Suspects

Dandy Anderson has a gambling problem. How desperate was he to get out of debt?

Sally Brouwer has a little problem with stealing. How far would she go to keep it quiet?

Mark Conroy has a history with the victim that goes back some sixty years. Did they share some horrible secret?

George Kent was a bully who didn’t care who he pushed around. But he must have pushed somebody too far—

Gloria Logan was always fighting off unwanted advances from the victim. Just how badly did she want to be left alone?

Ed Nelson, managing director of Candlewick, is scrambling to engineer a cover-up. But to avoid publicity—or for some darker reason?

Ray Stanton was bullied for years. What was he willing to do to make it stop?

Nursing a Grudge: An Earl Walker MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now