Chapter Twenty-Five

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Ginger Wainwright was not pleased.

"Will you be back on Monday?" she asked, without a grain of sympathy in her voice.

James glanced at Jayla, as if she could advise him how best to answer, although of course, she couldn't hear Ginger's question through the phone.

"I'm sure I'll be feeling better by then," he said.

"Glad to hear it. Anna's taking a personal day, so I really need you here."

James hung up the phone and lay back on the bed. His head was throbbing, and he felt worse than he had in a long time. Come hell or high water, he would be back at work on Monday. If he weren't, he'd have to hate himself even more than he already did, and he didn't have the energy for that.

"You hungry?" Jayla asked.

"I'm fine. You should go to work."

"I told them I'd be late."

"Stop hovering."

Jayla knelt by the bed and took his hand. "James, if you're alone, the demons will come again."

He snatched his hand away. "You don't know shit about the demons." His eyes bored into hers until she turned away and stood up.

"I'm not leaving you alone."

"What are you planning to do—take me to work with you?"

He divined the answer from her silence. She hadn't told them she'd be late, she'd told them she wasn't coming in. If only Jayla hadn't come back for her stupid appointment book. He hated being rescued. He hated feeling grateful. And she twisted everything he said to make it seem like she knew what he wanted more than he did. What he wanted was for her to go away. But he supposed this was his punishment for being a coward. He probably deserved it.

"You're right," he said. "I'll call Bill."

Jayla eyed him doubtfully. "You will?"

"I'll go to a meeting with him today. Then you can go to work. Although I really appreciate your offering to take the day off," he added quickly.

"I didn't offer." She handed him the phone and folded her arms across her chest.

"I'll do it."


He knew she had him, so he dialed Bill's number. After a few moments, Bill's voice mail picked up. James cleared his throat and spoke over Bill's outgoing message.

"Bill? It's James. I, uh, kind of lost it last night... Is there a meeting we could go to together? I'll come to you...Thanks. I'm sorry."

When the voice mail prompted him to please leave a message, he hung up. He looked at Jayla and lied with the easy skill of a practiced alcoholic.

"There's a meeting near his office at noon. I'm meeting him there. So you can go."

"It's only ten thirty."

"I'll just shower and leave. You don't have to stay."

"We can walk out together."

James sat up on the bed and, with considerable effort, got to his feet. He pressed a hand onto the nightstand to steady himself.

"Look. I'm glad you found me last night, and I appreciate your staying over. But I can get to Bill's office by myself. I don't need you babysitting me."

"Are you really going?"

"Call Bill and ask him." James held out his cell phone, betting that she wouldn't take it. But he was wrong. She grabbed it and glanced down at the call log. Then she handed the phone back.

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