Chapter Forty-Five

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"Move over, I can't see!" said Felice.

"There's nothing to see." Isobel had an unobstructed view of Stan and Frank from her position at the U-shaped banquette. "They're just talking."

James, who was sandwiched in between Felice and Isobel, craned his neck to look. "That's a guy? That's Stan?

"I think he looks pretty good," Delphi said. "Not everyone can rock curls," she added, plumping her own.

Felice poured some Cabernet from the bottle Isobel had ordered to secure the table. "Anyone else want some?"

"I'll have some," Delphi said. "Isobel?"

"No." As Felice tipped the bottle inquiringly toward her brother, Isobel repeated, more forcefully, "No."

"James?" Felice asked.

Before he could respond, Isobel took the bottle and set it down in front of Felice. "No!"

Felice shrugged. "Whatever. More for me." She took an enormous gulp of wine, then picked up the bottle and topped off her glass.

James flashed Isobel a grateful look. "How did you get this table?"

Isobel winced. "You don't want to know. Suffice it to say, you'd better get me a new temp job soon. Preferably one that pays a lot."

"Do we think this is a first date?" Percival asked.

Isobel shook her head. "I don't know. There were several times when Stan and Frank were closeted together in Frank's office. No pun intended."

"I'll tell you one thing," Delphi said. "From the look on Frank's face when he saw Stan, I'd say this is the first time he's seen Stan in full regalia."

Felice poured herself some more wine. "This is great stuff!"

"It better be, for what we paid for it," muttered Delphi.

James pointed to Felice's glass. "You might want to go easy on that."

Felice cocked her head at him. "My date has turned into a party, one of my employees is a drag queen, and another has the hots for him. Her. I think I'm allowed a drink."

James turned his back on Felice and whispered to Isobel, "So what do you think? Doreen was still in love with Stan, but Stan wanted to be with Frank, so Stan snuffed her to get her off his back?"

"I don't know." Isobel wrung her hands in frustration. "It's not lining up. If Percival is right, and Doreen was funneling money to Stan, why would he kill her?"

James threw up his hands. "Who knows what he was thinking? He doesn't even know which end is up."

"Now that's unfair," Isobel said, her voice rising. "Just because he's a lesbian trapped in a man's body or whatever, doesn't mean he's mentally unstable!"

"Uh hunh!" crowed Felice.

"Maybe Stan's been pining for Frank for a while, only Frank didn't know it," Isobel suggested.

"So Stan whacked Doreen on a chance? Doesn't seem likely," Delphi put in.

"Maybe Stan wants to be sure Frank falls in love with the real him. Her." Isobel looked over at them again.

"What's going on now?" Percival asked.

"They're drinking and talking. Frank looks wary, but Stan's face is in shadow."

They sat in silence for a moment. Then Delphi turned to James. "It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

"You have?" James asked, surprised.

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