Defy_My_Scars a.k.a MY FIRST FOLLOWER EVER!!!

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If you guys like my stories, then I suggest that you thank this girl right here. Unless you are mentally disabled and cannot read the title of this chapter, you should know that this is my very first fan on Wattpad. When I first started out on Wattpad, I really doubted myself. Like, "Who would want to read this?". This girl though, she actually followed me. Well, she fanned me (that was when Wattpad had "fans"). 

I was so ecstatic that someone had liked my story enough to fan me. Like, seriously? I was stoked! (I am in no way making this up. I was freakishly excited.) 

Some things that you should know about her is:

1.) Well, I've already said it but... her username thingy is: @defy_my_scars

2.) Her real name is Marissa

3.) Apparently, she is always behind Aaron Graves... shh... don't tell him!

You should totally go check out her page and while your there, hit that follow button! You won't regret it! Oh yeah, she has this story called, "Caught Like A Fly". It is a completed book and it's pretty darn good if you ask me. It's about Emma. Emma Seaman. Yeah that's right, she is Ryan's sister. GO CHECK IT OUTTTT!!! DO IT!!! 

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