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Yes, we have now reached my second follower. Also, she is the first of my fans to have ever commented on my story! <3 Her name is Diane. She, like many/most of my followers, has an amazing music taste. I'm kind of flipping out because I don't think that she has been on in a while... :'(

WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, DIANE/ iLoveMCR !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sorry about that...

Anyway, do you like poems? If you do, she wrote a book of ten (..?) poems and they are great. Her poem book is called, "My Weird Poems". I think that my favorite one would have to be: Nightmare. It is really, really good so go check it out! I would have put the poem on here but uhh... as I've said, she hasn't been on here in a while and I am not a thief. In the future, if she gives me permission, I will put the poem on here. For now, you can just go to her page, check out that book and all of her one shots and stuff, and just be happy with her awesomeness.

I never know what to write in the tag section. I've just been writing random crap.

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